Leather Skin and Callus Treatments

Leather Skin and Callus Treatments

Robert CassarIntermediate, Detoxification and Cleansing, Hands and Feet, Natural Wound Healing, Sauna Detox and Gwashing, Skin Cleaning, Detoxification and Rejuvenation, Workshops Leave a Comment

I am going to show you several excellent skin exfoliating and regenerative therapies to remove hardened sclerotic skin damaged by the sun, old leathery aged skin, and fine and deeper wrinkles on the face and neck areas. I will also show you a simple way I have found to easily remove “Hard Callus Skin” on the hands and feet. Most …

Natural Mouthwash and Oral Disinfectant

Natural Mouthwash and Oral Disinfectant

Robert CassarBeginner, Free, Healing The Mouth, Intermediate, Workshops 4 Comments

I am going to show you 2 of my favorite homemade “ALL NATURAL” Mouthwash Solutions/Therapies I have used for many years, personally and with many patients and friends, with excellent results. In Part 1 I share my “Basic Natural Mouthwash Formula” perfect for everyday use. I use this basic formula in my daily routine unless I need gum or tooth …

Cranial Facial Release For Sinus Cleansing

Cranial Facial Release For Sinus Cleansing

Robert CassarAdvanced, Ears, Nose and Throat, Workshops 6 Comments

In this course Dr. Nick Tancheff, Medical Director at the Earther Academy Hawaiian Retreats, will explain and demonstrate the sinus anatomy and specific treatments to stretch open the the 3 sinus, or air passage cavities, using a pressurized “Balloon Technique” through the nose. This treatment is called “Cranial Facial Release”, and is specifically designed to open up narrowed or obstructed …

Using Oregano Oil For Parasite And Intestinal Detoxification

Using Oregano Oil For Parasite And Intestinal Detoxification

Robert CassarParasites, Advanced, Detoxification and Cleansing, Intestines and Gut Wall, Workshops Leave a Comment

Oregano Oil has been used for a millennia, or thousands of years, for many various types of treatments by the Chinese and many other ancient healers. Oregano Oil has been known to have a wide range of health, wellness and cognitive benefits. Concentrated Oregano Oil Therapy can be used in a variety of ways both internally and externally. I have …

Using Fulvic Acid for Parasite and Intestinal Detoxification

Using Fulvic Acid for Parasite and Intestinal Detoxification

Robert CassarAdvanced, Detoxification and Cleansing, Intermediate, Intestines and Gut Wall, Parasites, Workshops 4 Comments

This Earther Academy two part video course is specifically designed for parasite and Intestinal detoxification using “Fulvic Acid” while fasting. This course is only available for Earther Academy Private Members due to the sensitivity and controversial information, protocols, and therapies for intestinal detoxification and parasite reduction. Recommendation: Before trying the Fulvic Acid therapy I would recommend watching and practicing the …

Removing Wax and Parasites From The Inner Ears

Removing Wax and Parasites From The Inner Ears

Robert CassarFree, Beginner, Ears, Nose and Throat, Intermediate, Parasites, Workshops 15 Comments

Removing Wax and Parasites From The Inner Ears – Do you think your Inner Ear is clogged up with excess wax, and whatever else that can live and accumulate in our ears? Wait until you see the gunk and debris I pulled out my ears! In this course I will share with you a lot of the essential secrets I have learned and …

Are You An Order Follower? Will Power Over Parasite Power

Are You An Order Follower? Will Power Over Parasite Power

Robert CassarAddictions, Beginner, Free, Lectures, Massage Techniques, Mind Controlling Parasites, Parasites, Workshops 2 Comments

Are You An Order Follower? Will Power Over Parasite Power – Are you a “Government” Order Follower or are you a “Parasitic” Order Follower? This is a very informative 2+ hour Lecture and Hands-On Visual Group “Deep Massage” Workshop. Learning these simple concepts and detox techniques are one of the main events to add to your Terrain Modification Detoxification and …

Stimulating Hair Growth Removing Scalp Toxicity, Fungus and Hair Mites

Stimulating Hair Growth Removing Scalp Toxicity, Fungus and Hair Mites

Robert CassarAdvanced, Free, Hair Loss and Balding, Intermediate, Lectures, Parasites, Skin Cleaning, Detoxification and Rejuvenation, Workshops 20 Comments

Stimulating Hair Growth Removing Scalp Toxicity, Fungus & Hair Mites – Could Hair Loss and Thinning be due to Toxicity or Tiny Parasites? Do you have any Loss of Hair, Hair Thinning, Dandruff, Flaking, Itchy Scalp, Oily and Stinky Scalp, Hair Lice, Fungus, Rosacea, Wrinkles, Pimples or Acne? Is it possible to regrow some of the thinning hair back? Yes! …

Detoxing Metabolic Acidic Waste and Deep Lymphatic Massage

Detoxing Metabolic Acidic Waste and Deep Lymphatic Massage

Robert CassarWorkshops, Advanced, Free, Intermediate, Lectures, Lymphatic System, Massage Techniques 6 Comments

Have you ever heard of “Detoxing Metabolic Acidic Waste” and “Deep Lymphatic Massage Therapies”? We have a nice group of “Dry Water Faster’s” at our Hawaii Detox Retreats. They will be the participants in the Detoxing Metabolic Acidic Waste Lecture and Deep Lymphatic Massage Workshop Part 2 and 3. Part 1 is a “Connecting The Dots” Mini Lecture revealing some …

Optimizing the Auricle and Inner Ear

Optimizing the Auricle and Inner Ear

Robert CassarFree, Ears, Nose and Throat, Intermediate, Lectures, Massage Techniques, Mind Controlling Parasites, Parasites, Philosophy and Parables, Skin Cleaning, Detoxification and Rejuvenation, Workshops 4 Comments

Our senses make up our Reality whether we like it or not, and we have very “limited Senses” indeed. I call the 5 senses or ( biological sensors ) our “Biological Radio Station of Our Realities that we Perceive as Real or Fake”. How would like to tune all of the senses up or make them all work better? When …