Stimulating Hair Growth Removing Scalp Toxicity, Fungus and Hair Mites

Stimulating Hair Growth Removing Scalp Toxicity, Fungus and Hair Mites

Robert CassarAdvanced, Free, Hair Loss and Balding, Intermediate, Lectures, Parasites, Skin Cleaning, Detoxification and Rejuvenation, Workshops 20 Comments

Stimulating Hair Growth Removing Scalp Toxicity, Fungus & Hair Mites – Could Hair Loss and Thinning be due to Toxicity or Tiny Parasites? Do you have any Loss of Hair, Hair Thinning, Dandruff, Flaking, Itchy Scalp, Oily and Stinky Scalp, Hair Lice, Fungus, Rosacea, Wrinkles, Pimples or Acne? Is it possible to regrow some of the thinning hair back? Yes! …

Overcoming Toxic Parasites and Mind and Body Detoxification

Overcoming Toxic Parasites and Mind and Body Detoxification

Robert CassarFree, Hair Loss and Balding, Intermediate, Mind and Brain, Parasites, Sauna Detox and Gwashing Leave a Comment

Overcoming Toxic Parasites Interview and Body Detoxification Workshop with Lance. This is a great video to watch on Lance’s journey – Overcoming Toxic Parasites Interview and Body Detoxification Workshop. How would you try  Overcoming Toxic Parasites? First of all, you have to know that you have these toxic parasites before you can want to release them from which they came. …

Baldness Remedy, Scalp Detoxification And Regrowing Your Hair

Baldness Remedy, Scalp Detoxification And Regrowing Your Hair

Robert CassarHealth Retreat Interviews, Free, Hair Loss and Balding, Intermediate, Sauna Detox and Gwashing 15 Comments

Baldness Remedy, Scalp Detoxification And Regrowing Your Hair – This is very important video series to watch if you are balding or loosing your hair. MEN AND WOMAN – Is your Hair Thinning? Balding? Dandruff? Scalp Itching? Super Oily Hair? Hair grows very slowly or the hairs are thin, dry and fragile? If there was a way to reduce baldness …

Delousing, Detoxing, and Sanitizing Hair and Skin Parasites

Delousing, Detoxing, and Sanitizing Hair and Skin Parasites

Robert CassarBeginner, Detoxification and Cleansing, Hair Loss and Balding, Parasites, Skin Cleaning, Detoxification and Rejuvenation 4 Comments

Most people I come in contact with usually have a variety of skin/pore parasites. Are you loosing your hair? thinning hair? unhealthy looking hair? These very numerous and very pesky little parasites that are super minuscule and mostly invisible to the naked eye in their parasitic true nature as all parasites are unknown and cloaked to the host. Most of …

Protecting and Lubricating The Skin and Pores

Protecting and Lubricating The Skin and Pores

Robert CassarBeginner, Earther Bathroom, Getting Started, Home and Living, Skin Cleaning, Detoxification and Rejuvenation Leave a Comment

Protecting and Lubricating The Skin and Pores – I personally use these protocols daily after I shower to protect and lubricate my skin. The skin and pores have many specific functions other than just skin to hold in your fluids, blood, lymph, water – or just look good etc. The skin helps protect us from the outside world invading us, …

Skin Cleaning Demonstration and Vodka Detox Recipe

Skin Cleaning Demonstration and Vodka Detox Recipe

Robert CassarBeginner, Blog, Free, Getting Started, Hair Loss and Balding, Skin Cleaning, Detoxification and Rejuvenation, Workshops 8 Comments

Skin Cleaning Demonstration and Vodka Detox Recipe and Multi Layered Skin and Pore Cleaning / Detoxing Protecting Protocols. When is the last time you have REALLY effectively Cleaned, Detoxed, Fed your Body Minerals through your Skin/Pores and Rejuvenated and Protected the Skin? Have you ever cleaned your skin and pores with a Mineralized Vodka Solution? I am going to share …