Replacing The Liner In My 30,000 Gallon Water Tank
I am going to show you what it takes to replace a very large liner for my 30,000 gallon holding tank for our water supply to the farm. If you want to be really sustainable it’s a lot of work to keep everything maintained, working correctly and be able to repair anything if needed. Either you know how to fix …
Let’s Go Feed The Children
Hodie and I are going to feed some of the children and have some fun on the farm. Sunset is the time of the evening that all of our animals on the farm know it’s dinner time. We will also take a look at a beautiful electric colored rainbow I see a few times a week on the ocean – …
Holistic Dental Repair Without Anesthesia w. Dr. Lori Cardellino
I am going to show you some really cool technology for repairing fillings, and making new crowns with a computerized milling machine called the “Cerec”. I was in California a few months ago visiting family and friends, and did some needed dental repair. I will only use an experienced bio-dentist for any dental restorations, and the best dentist I know …
Monster Parasite Came Out Of My Sheep’s Feces!
In this Earther Academy video I am going to show you the Live Parasite I found in the feces of one of the 18 sheep we have on the farm, after I wormed them with the well known anti-parasitic medication called Ivermectin. You might not have heard of the drug Ivermectin, but if you have animals I am sure you …
Dr. Robert Cassar’s 61st Birthday Message
It’s that time of the year again – it’s my 61st Birthday… I feel like I just had a birthday, just a short time ago As we all get older time seems to speed up, or maybe it’s that some of us have more responsibilities now. Usually as you get older we all slow down and really don’t want …
New Year’s Resolution Ideas 2022
I am going to give you a few ideas about possible New Year’s Resolutions. The way my family taught us about New Year’s Resolutions, are that once you make that resolution for that specific year, you keep the resolutions going for the rest of your life. If we would have that concept in our minds when we contemplated the “NYR”, …
How I Purify Water In My House
I am going to show my water purification system for drinking, cooking and bathing in my household. I will show you how I create the purest clean water by using several cleaning and filtering processes with any kind of water source from contaminated public city tap water, well water, river water or rain catchment systems. “The bottom line, if you …
Do The Experiment: Are You Magnetized?
In this Earther Academy “Experiment and Report of Findings”, I am going to show you a collective magnetic phenomena that I have tested not only myself, but have also tested on well over a few hundred people who have also tested positive for this bizarre magnetic phenomena, that was present in all subjects who volunteered to try. I am sure …
4 Organ Hamburger Meat For Healing
In this course we are in the kitchen again to show you another super nutrient rich meal made out of just organ meats, to help with malnourishment that many people in the world have from using a diet that is lacking in essential micronutrients, bioavailable vitamins and minerals. I like to call this super nutritional recipe – “Old School Medicine”, …