Removing Wax and Parasites From The Inner Ears
Removing Wax and Parasites From The Inner Ears – Do you think your Inner Ear is clogged up with excess wax, and whatever else that can live and accumulate in our ears? Wait until you see the gunk and debris I pulled out my ears! In this course I will share with you a lot of the essential secrets I have learned and practiced for over 40 years.
Most of us in our adult age have never cleaned, sanitized and re-lubricated our ears correctly and safely. So, as we age we have a huge build up of potential damaging and clogging debris.
I have finally learned how to clean, sanitize and re-lubricate my inner ears correctly from very small parasites, mold, excess wax, ringing of the ears and prior infections.
Most people have an infestation of creatures and old dirty debris living in their smelly part of the inner ears, or deep inside the ear canal.
How would you like to rid yourself of the dirty, accumulated wax made up of various toxicities from excess cerumen or wax, shampoos, conditioners, lotions, perfumes, fluoride, pathogens, parasites and their feces?
Part 1 (20 min): I will go over some very important “Connecting The Dots” information on the ears, and several tips on some of the supplies needed for cleaning and re-lubricating the inner ears.
Part 2 (33 min): Is a Hands-On Visual Workshop on myself, and I will go through the Ear Cleaning and Re-lubricating Protocols. I am going to show you several ways I have learned to clean, sanitize, disinfect and protect the inner ears.
The inside of our super delicate ear canals, are super sensitive and very complex. It is like a huge cave, or similar to the size of California if you are a small microbe or creature. Watch the recommended videos below to see the creatures alive.
Our inner ears pick up and translate sounds and vibrations via this unmaintained, and underrated sense organ. The inner ear is a very important organ, and is one of the primary survival senses we use to balance and navigate throughout the day. Hearing is also essential for our balance, equilibrium and of our health and wellness.
When we don’t feel balanced, sometimes our inner ear organs are very chemically/parasitically toxic, with a variety of clogging debris not letting us hear – causing malfunctioning and non-harmony of our overall feelings and balance in general.
Our Inner/Outer Ears Provide:
- Listening to the birds and all of nature singing daily.
- All types of music that could be inspiring, sad, upbeat, seductive, sedative or just any tune.
- Traffic noise or any type of noise pollution, gun shots, any sound that will have a dramatic effect on our well being and give us a variety of moods.
The better we can hear the more true and precise our reality will be. Hearing is communicating in many ways, and we need this input to make better life changing decisions. The ear organs are the primary auditory translators to all of the other senses that are activated in our bodies.
Remember, dogs and most animals can hear high pitched and very low audible sounds that we cannot.
Optimization of the inner ears are made up of very small hairs, and lots of super sensitive tissues that helps us transcribe sounds, vibrations, equilibrium and help us navigate and survive everyday.
Many people have pushed cotton swabs into their ear canals, and it sounds like a good idea to clean the ears. I have found these protocols suboptimal and for many people over time loose part of their hearing due to jamming the wax deeper into the canal.
Always be careful – start slowly and keep up with consistency with the over 50 categories of Terrain Modification protocols to learn and practice from.
Watch the videos of the parasites and all of the excess ear wax (which I call ear puss). If you have dogs, cats or animals living in the house, then most likely they are loaded with parasites on their skin and in their ears. You also most likely have millions of super tiny creatures in the carpets, pillows, beddings and couch etc.
If you have any of these critters in your house they easily find their way into our ears, hair, skin etc.
This is why many smarter cultures do not let anyone in the house with their shoes on, or do not let animals in the house. I have adopted these smart and simple concepts in my current home.
Not maintaining a clean household for pathogenic bacteria, hair and dust mites can make our living environments, and our bodies, breeding houses for these silent parasitic invaders. Most allergies are the poop or feces excreted by these super small bugs in your house and body.
Products Used In The Videos Are:
- [esp-hydrogen-peroxide-16-oz]
- Organic Castor Oil
- Ionic Magnesium Concentrate
- Magnesium Chloride and Living Silica
- Living Silica
- Organic Coconut Oil
- Cacao Butter 1lb
- Lugol's Iodine
- Elephant Ear Washer Bottle System
- Ear Wax Removal Syringe
- Stainless Steel Earpick Wax Remover Curette Cleaner
Recommended Courses and Categories: Skin Cleaning, Detoxification and Rejuvenation, Parasites, Earther Bathroom and Optimizing the Auricle and Inner Ear.
Hope you enjoy this “Removing Wax and Parasites From The Inner Ears” Video Course :))
Dr. Robert
Additional Parasite Videos
These bizarre parasitic creatures are in most of us and our living spaces.
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Comments 15
There is a swap meet at the stadium on Oahu. There is an Asian guy there selling tools and you can get the Asian ear scraping tool there for unde $2 bucks.
One is like a tiny ice cream scoop. The other it like a cork screw from Japan.
Aloha :)) See if you can get the guys number if you see him. Would like to see what he has for sure if he has a website or?
Dr. Robert
I’ve joined up, I still can’t see part two of how to clean the ear?
Hi Jane! You need to be an Earther Member to see the private videos. If you do have membership and have issues please email us at earthers@eartheracademy.com. Thanks!
Are there things you can use other then castor oil, I have a reaction to it.
Aloha Nicholas,
You can also use coconut oil to re-lubricate the ear instead of castor been oil.
:)) Dr. Robert
I become a member and still can’t watch Part 2 video
Hi Yaniv. You have to be an Earther Member to see the private videos – you can signup here: https://eartheracademy.com/membership. Hope that helps!
hellooo from Downunder Oz
i have ear ringing for 3 years now, happened so suddenly-i woke up with a blocked ear then it unblocked and boom it started. Before that for a long time i heard rustling -i used to say it was a moth, just because it felt so odd. this is the first time ive even heard of these solutions, and come across your amazing website. i ve watched about 3 hours of parasites and skin cleaning etc and was super excited to see the ear cleaning, but sadly its not available to me as a non paying subscriber …oh well:(
thanks for such great information on these important topics!
Hi KT. Please check your email
Yaniv, check to make sure you’re logged in – under membership..
I just heard Dr Cassar say that the Stainless Steel Braces that he had in his mouth when young, were toxic. I thought stainless steel was okay.
Please ask him if he knows for sure that stainless steel in the body is truly toxic, okay?? Maybe it was just the type of stainless steel plated braces he had that were toxic?
What about titanium in the body, is that toxic? Please ask, it is very important to me. I know you must be swamped with questions these days with so many people locked down in their homes, so I’m not really complaining, but the last 3 times I have asked questions, I have not received an answer. Perhaps I am asking them in the wrong place?
Hi Taylor!
Stainless Steel, as in mostly all metals, if they are absorbed consistently and accumulate in the body (especially the organs), can have a detrimental effect. Especially if you are in a lot of wireless technology all the time.
Everyone should be careful of not only accumulating these metals in the body, but also biological metal implants such as: braces, teeth and joint replacements.
Titanium as well as other metals can be dangerous if it dissolves, or if it is exposed to wireless technology.
Hope that helps
Dr. Robert
Hello Dr. Cassar (and team), thank you so much for your rejuvenating information. Some questions I have..
1. Buying distilled water seems a waste as it comes in plastic bottles. At the moment I have a berkey gravity filter ..and have been using this water as it’s what I have. Will this do? Or should I still by distilled?
2. At the moment I only have 12% food grade peroxide. I dilluted it to 3% from info I found. I put 1/2 tsp in my ear after showering, expecting it to bubble like crazy as I get itchy ears, and what I noticed is that the liquid seemed to go right down my tube, it didn’t really ait and that was a little worrying. I got some bubbling but not a lot as expected. I doubt my ears are that clean as they get itchy on the inside. What can I do to keep the liquid in my ear from draining so quickly.
3. I have twins, now 2 years and one of my boys has build up. I don’t know if I can keep him lying down for treatment. Any advice to clean out little guys ears?
Thank you Dr. Cassar!
Hi Sarah!
1. I personally would not drink the distilled water from plastic bottles either, and you will notice it does have aplastic taste to it when you drink out of the plastic jug – so, I wouldn’t use that.If you can afford it buy a steam distiller, but if you can’t the Berkey Gravity Filter is probably your best best. The cleaner water you can get the better, and distilled is the best only when you make it yourself.
2. The best way I have found to put 3% Hydrogen Peroxide in my ear is with a glass dropper, turning your head sideways so you are leveled, and then filling up the ear canal. If your head is in the correct position the liquid should not leak out, and you may want to leave the solution in for 5 min – unless you feel pain, then remove and wash out with water.
You may want to look at our “Ears, Nose and Throat” page.
3. First of all, you may not want to use the 3% but dilute it down to 1.5% just to make sure the 3% will not irritate your child. If you can show your child how you do it first, they may copy you a little better.
Hope that helps
Dr. Robert…