Leather Skin and Callus Treatments

Leather Skin and Callus Treatments

Robert CassarIntermediate, Detoxification and Cleansing, Hands and Feet, Natural Wound Healing, Sauna Detox and Gwashing, Skin Cleaning, Detoxification and Rejuvenation, Workshops Leave a Comment

I am going to show you several excellent skin exfoliating and regenerative therapies to remove hardened sclerotic skin damaged by the sun, old leathery aged skin, and fine and deeper wrinkles on the face and neck areas. I will also show you a simple way I have found to easily remove “Hard Callus Skin” on the hands and feet. Most …

Using Oregano Oil For Parasite And Intestinal Detoxification

Using Oregano Oil For Parasite And Intestinal Detoxification

Robert CassarParasites, Advanced, Detoxification and Cleansing, Intestines and Gut Wall, Workshops Leave a Comment

Oregano Oil has been used for a millennia, or thousands of years, for many various types of treatments by the Chinese and many other ancient healers. Oregano Oil has been known to have a wide range of health, wellness and cognitive benefits. Concentrated Oregano Oil Therapy can be used in a variety of ways both internally and externally. I have …

Using Fulvic Acid for Parasite and Intestinal Detoxification

Using Fulvic Acid for Parasite and Intestinal Detoxification

Robert CassarAdvanced, Detoxification and Cleansing, Intermediate, Intestines and Gut Wall, Parasites, Workshops 4 Comments

This Earther Academy two part video course is specifically designed for parasite and Intestinal detoxification using “Fulvic Acid” while fasting. This course is only available for Earther Academy Private Members due to the sensitivity and controversial information, protocols, and therapies for intestinal detoxification and parasite reduction. Recommendation: Before trying the Fulvic Acid therapy I would recommend watching and practicing the …

How I Use Amygdaline for Maintenance and Therapy

How I Use Amygdaline for Maintenance and Therapy

Robert CassarAdvanced, Detoxification and Cleansing, Incurable Diseases, Parasites Leave a Comment

How I Use Amygdaline for Maintenance and Therapy – Amygdaline is a natural compound found in over 1200 plants. Amygdaline compounds are a natural therapy has been well studied for over 100 years. This treatment is not approved by the FDA. Why is b17 banned in the US? Health food stores had stopped selling B-17 in the form of apricot seeds in 2002, due …

Hidden Toxic Debris in Your Home - Body and Heart Activating Recipe

Hidden Toxic Debris in Your Home – Body and Heart Activating Recipe

Robert CassarBeginner, Detoxification and Cleansing, Free, Home and Living, Philosophy and Parables 2 Comments

Hidden Toxic Debris in Your Home – Body and Heart Activating Recipe. If you don’t know how to clean your body and house that means your house. We are going to “Connect some of the Dots” and parabalize the “Accumulation Effect” of toxicities in my house, my body and mind. The parable is simple and profound :)) We are also …

Mineralized Vodka Elixir Drinks

Mineralized Vodka Elixir Drinks

Robert CassarAdvanced, Detoxification and Cleansing, Intermediate, Intestines and Gut Wall, Mind and Brain, Rejuvenation and Detox Drinks 12 Comments

We are going to introduce you to some very Powerful Super Mineralized Vodka Elixir Drink Recipes that can be used in a variety of ways for Health and Wellness. Did you know “Super Mineralized Alcohols” can be used as a beneficial therapy if used correctly, and with the correct minerals and supplements / powders to make the “Dry Alcohol” very …

Mind Activating Medicinal Elixir Recipe with Dr. Robert Cassar

Mind Activating Medicinal Elixir Recipe

Robert CassarFree, Detoxification and Cleansing, Intermediate, Mental and Emotional Clarity, Mind and Brain, Minerals and Conductivity, Rejuvenation and Detox Drinks 6 Comments

Mind Activating Medicinal Elixir Recipe is what this Mind Activating Drink Video is all about. These cutting edge recipes are “Medicinal Elixirs” and are very special to activate the mind and body in many ways. Part 1 is a Beginners Nutritional / Medicinal Drink, and Part 2 is a more Intermediate Elixir for more Advanced Players. All of our private videos …

IV Therapies for Advanced Detoxification and Rejuvenation

IV Therapies for Advanced Detoxification and Rejuvenation

Robert CassarAdvanced, Blog, Detoxification and Cleansing, Free 2 Comments

Have you ever heard of Intravenous Therapies or IV therapies? We will look into more in this IV Therapies for Advanced Detoxification and Rejuvenation Video. This is a short video by Dr. Mari Sawai who is one of the Naturopathic Medical Doctors we have helping us at our Hawaiian Detoxification and Rejuvenation Academy in Hawaii. Where Health and Wellness participants …

Delousing, Detoxing, and Sanitizing Hair and Skin Parasites

Delousing, Detoxing, and Sanitizing Hair and Skin Parasites

Robert CassarBeginner, Detoxification and Cleansing, Hair Loss and Balding, Parasites, Skin Cleaning, Detoxification and Rejuvenation 4 Comments

Most people I come in contact with usually have a variety of skin/pore parasites. Are you loosing your hair? thinning hair? unhealthy looking hair? These very numerous and very pesky little parasites that are super minuscule and mostly invisible to the naked eye in their parasitic true nature as all parasites are unknown and cloaked to the host. Most of …