Simple Quantum Home Exercises and Prana Energy Bike Ride
Simple Quantum Home Exercises and Prana Energy Bike Ride Introduction. One of the main directives to this course is to entrain and blend the energies of the 3 most powerful organs in the body – the Heart, Lungs and Brain.
This 3 part outdoor course is mainly for Intermediate/Advanced levels of rehabilitation or exercise. Any level can start to learn the simple techniques but is much easier if you are already exercising, cardio and stretching etc.
I found that when I entrain these organs to work together under active intense exercise to be of great benefit.
Introduction (18 min) – I will show you my personal backyard home gym and natural playground for all forms of fun, exercise and rehabilitation for my mind and body.
Part 1 (25 min) – Workshop combining intense “Quantum” exercises along with challenging balancing mind and body combinations. We are going over the simple first steps to learning the “Quantum Exercise and Breathing Routines” in my backyard home gym using some simple equipment.
Part 2 (45 min) – We are going on a bike ride learning “Active Chi Breathing” in a cardio workout using the Quantum and Chi Techniques. We will also explain some of the deeper layers of philosophy and several tips to learn and practice this course effectively and easily.
I discovered, about 10 years ago in my journey, these wonderful ways to balance the mind and keep the body in excellent visual shape and function by doing very little. I also now call this “Smart” exercise because I was previously doing a lot of “Stupid” exercises I was taught that was doing more harm than good.

Breathing and Exercising effectively together, or harmonized together, is a little advanced for beginners but if you learn these simple techniques now most people will evolve very quickly in many ways. “Intensity” is the name and ultimate goal of the “Game” we are wanting to achieve without any biological or mental stress.
One of my favorite areas to practice and teach is the physical rehabilitation and exercise ares of Terrain Modification. In order to “Rebuild, Renew and Reset” the physical body and ourselves it takes a lot of physical consistency and disciplinary work. It is so important to physically train and exercise correctly.
It took 50 years for me to learn through trial and/or error – How to correctly and effectively exercise without wearing myself out, or causing myself unnecessary detrimental wear and tear, and stress on my joints, muscles, ligaments and tendons.
Learning and practicing these very simple Chi and Quantum exercise techniques will be somewhat hard at first, but once your nerves are reprogrammed it will become as easy as anything else you learn and practice. We have to use totally different parts of our brains when learning this course.
If you are already an intermediate athlete and exercising intensely consistently, you will have immediate results in the areas many are lacking.
Recommended Courses and Categories: Exercise, Stretching and Movement, Smart Strength Training Tips with Chef Jason Wrobel.
Hope you enjoy this “Simple Quantum Home Exercises and Prana Energy Bike Ride” Video Course 🙂
Dr. Robert
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Comments 2
WHat’s the name of the purple and Black tool you are using?
Hi Ebony.
Those massage tools were custom built for me as a sample, because I was going to mass produce them over 15 years ago. As far as I know I can’t find them anywhere. Maybe in the future I will manufacture them again 🙂
Hope that helps :))