Breaking The Spell of Addictions
Breaking The Spell of Addictions – HOW MANY ADDICTIONS DO YOU HAVE? These videos are a deeper layer of knowledge of ideas, disciplines, concepts, techniques, protocols that are essential if you are searching for “Optimal Health” and “Advancing your Awareness”. Have you ever thought about how many addictions you have that are destructive to you, your friends, family or the …
Are You A Sugarholic?
Are You A Sugarholic – Hooked On Sugar Like A Powerful Addictive Drug? Breaking the Powerful Spell of Yeast, Mold, Fungus and Candida Parasites. Are you hungry or are they? Remember: MOST PARASITES EAT ANY TYPE OF SUGAR! Yeast, Mold, Fungus, Candida and many other varieties of parasites feed chiefly on sugars and can live anywhere in the body. In …
The Antidote To Body Fat And Toxicity
The Antidote To Body Fat And Toxicity – Have you ever wondered what “Body Fat” is? Could it be possible that fat is alive and it feeds on the foods we eat or drink? When you are really hungry the big question to ask yourself is “Are you really hungry or is “it” really hungry?”. Observe these cravings of this elusive, …
What Is Living Inside A Big Beer Belly?
What Is Living Inside A Big Beer Belly? Have You Wondered What’s Living In The Belly of a Male, Female or Child that has a Distended Belly? Could it be possible that the “Huge Abdominal Belly” is a huge infestation of creatures we call Parasites and / or Toxicity that the parasites live in? I lost 40 pounds of FAT, …
Intestinal Parasite Pineapple Cleanse Recipes
This Enzymatic Parasite Pineapple Cleanse really works incredibly well to help Detox and Regenerate the Small and Large Intestines. We are going to make 3 easy recipes: Tapache Live Pineapple Ferment, Dipping Sauce for Fresh Pineapple and Bacopa Monnieri for Parasites. Tapache Live Pineapple Ferment First make the “Tapache” Live Ferment by removing all of the skin of the pineapple …
Parables On Terrain Modification
Parables On Terrain Modification – “Terrain Modification Philosophy” is one of the most important departments we share and teach at Earther Academy. This is a simple brief parable and overview of some of the ideas of Terrain Modification. There are so many areas in Terrain Modification to upgrade, enhance and optimize in our “Health, Wealth, Happiness and Evolutionary Lifestyle”. Parasites …