The Antidote to Body Fat and Toxicity Mini Lecture with Dr. Robert Cassar

The Antidote To Body Fat And Toxicity

Robert CassarFree, Addictions, Blog, Dr. Cassar's Personal World, Intermediate, Parasites, Philosophy and Parables, Plant Based Diet 2 Comments

The Antidote To Body Fat And Toxicity – Have you ever wondered what “Body Fat” is? Could it be possible that fat is alive and it feeds on the foods we eat or drink? When you are really hungry the big question to ask yourself is “Are you really hungry or is “it” really hungry?”. Observe these cravings of this elusive, unknown parasite that most everyone has in excess.

These are very powerful mind-controlling parasites.

Restaurant Meal Chart

It is essential to understand the first 5 categories of human parasites (found in most invertebrates as well), and start the self treatment to reduce these sugar eating creatures. That is a true “Rethinking Reality” question to as yourself for sure.

Body Fat is a very common sickness, or inflectional parasite, in almost every major city around the world. This parasite is not contagious from person to person. You must grow these, replicating elusive creatures and give them the food constantly for them to colonize and replicate.

I call these body fat creatures/parasites the “Replicators” because that is what they do. They replicate and make more babies over and over again and again, and we call this “Body Fat to Obesity”.

These creatures also need an acidic toxic environment, with low 02 oxygen levels, to thrive in your body and control your mind.

The obesity epidemic is worldwide but here are some of the stats from a study done in 2017.Obesity Among Adults

Once we understand what this creature is, what it eats and where it lives we know how to remove it, or simply dissolve it safely or just let them go. The antidote to this “Sickness” is learning and practicing the Terrain Modification protocols, practices and principles.

We don’t have to carry this unsightly and needy parasite around all the time, nor feed it whenever it calls to feed a little at a time. What a relief that will be for you 🙂 – that you can be in control of yourself in time following the protocols for at least 180 days.

Could it be possible that body fat is Yeast, Mold, Fungus, Candida and other veracious and quick replicating sugar eating microbes, and the cause for many sicknesses and precursors to disease?

Did You Know?

  • More than one in two adults and nearly one in six children are overweight or obese.
  • Adult obesity rates are highest in the United States, Mexico, New Zealand and Hungary, while they are lowest in Japan and Korea.
  • In about half of the eight countries for which data are available, less educated women are two to three times more likely to be overweight than those with a higher level of education.

Top 10 Most Obese Countries (July 1st, 2017)

  • United States of America – 109,342,839
  • China – 97,256,700
  • India – 65,619,826
  • Brazil – 41,857,656
  • Mexico – 36,294,881
  • Russia – 34,701,531
  • Egypt – 28,192,861
  • Turkey – 23,819,781
  • Iran – 21,183,488
  • Nigeria – 20,997,494vgbn

Good way to check if you have the body fat “Sickness” is take your clothes off and do a body examination. We can easily see this creature very well when we take off our clothes and do an inspection. I am 57 years old and I follow the protocols that make me impervious to the creature called FAT!

We have over 100+ million people in the USA that are OBESE or over 30 pounds toxicity overweight or clogged. Not to mention that there are 80%+ of the people of the USA are 15 pounds plus over weight, toxic or even plugged.

How could this be so?

Obesity Comparison Chart

Is there a ALIEN invasion that has come to the USA?, or are we just sugar and processed food junkies and need to be rebuild like a old car or a house that is a fixer upper. We really do have the Antidote to this thing called “Body Fat”!

Learn and practice in the ares of detoxification and rejuvenation of the mind and body. This is Living Beyond Natural because we are adding Awareness to it – We call this lifestyle the “Super Natural Lifestyle”. So, do as you can, when you can, if you can and see what happens to you when you clean and detoxify the inner and outer body and mind.

Are you ready for the challenge?

Here on I am personally ready to share with you the deeper layers of secrets I have found, and “Connected The Dots” through 40 years of research and clinical study. Being a scientist and experimenter will definitely support helping you upgrade, enhance and optimize your new and sustainable “Earther Lifestyle” tremendously.

Recommended Products: Ionic Magnesium Concentrate, Living Silica, Fulvic Acid, Sodium Bicarbonate, Fossil Shell Flour, Lugol's Iodine, Liquid Stevia, Skin Rejuvenation Kit, Organic Coconut Oil, Cacao Butter 1lb, Psyllium Husks PowderWater Distiller.

Recommended Courses and Categories: Parasites, Addictions and Rebuilding The Gut Wall Flora.

Hope you enjoy this “The Antidote to Body Fat and Toxicity” 🙂

Dr. Robert

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Comments 2

    1. Post

      Aloha dr c here ;))

      It is essential for all people young and old to be less toxic and have less BF on their bodies.

      There is a optimum level of BF for sure … rememebr BF is a live creature. There are 2 tpes of BF one is brown fat which is the good fast and the other is yellow fat wcihc is the prasaite that eats and thrives off of glucose or carbohydrates.

      My diet and lifestyle is very low in sugar and I do not like to have a lot or any of yeast, mold, candida and fungus on my body which is a species of BF… so I really stick to intermittent fasting and a keto-genic diet as I talk about all the time. I feel the best with this type of lifestyle.

      Most people are not measuring the BF right for sure. I see this all the time. If you have 3 % BF show me a picture of yourself… I have 5 % BF and I am also musculature and strong too… I would like to see you picture if you are that low in BF. You should be able to see a six pack on you and you should also not be skinny but vital and have musculature too. Veins should be all around the body and simple visual to see when you are this lean as you say you are. I have views all over my body because the skin is only 6 layers thick and everything else is funk under the skin.
      as long as the body is muscular and you are eating and drinking the correct diet .. being lean is not a problem .. Most people are lean is because they are sick and tired and need to re-mineralize and rebuild the body and the mind.

      Light is always at the end of the tunnel to those that keeping evolving and living a more super natural lifestyle.

      :)) Dr r

      We are supposed to be lean which really means clean.. Clean means lean .. that is how it goes.

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