Smart Strength Training Tips with Chef Jason Wrobel
Smart Strength Training Tips with Raw Food Vegan Chef Jason Wrobel.
We made this short strength training tips exercise video with Jason Wrobel about 5 years ago when I still had my long hair
The theme of this video is to inspire you to keep learning, practicing and understanding “Intelligent Non-Stressful Exercises”.
Let’s get you started with Earther Academy’s Terrain Modification protocols, practices and principles.
We all need to understand the differences between: “Stressful Exercise” and “Intensity Exercise”.
“Stress” kills silently and effectively, and is very present in all of our lives whether we know it or not. Even when we exercise incorrectly or we live in the constant microwave, radio frequencies, constant Wi-Fi signals or un-natural and electronic energies.
Most of us are incorrectly taught how to: breathe, stretch, exercise, run, warm up and taught bad eating and drinking habits etc.
For the last 10 years or so I’ve only used these types of training techniques, and have really perfected how to keep myself in excellent shape very easily with little “STRESS” to my body or mind. Now, we all know it’s not all just exercise or just all dieting.
Terrain Modification will take some effort to learn but once you use these protocols consistently, which have been shown by thousands, they will rapidly upgrade, enhance and optimize your body and mind for sure.
Learn the Liquids of Vitality for drinks and recipes, intermittent/block fasting and Ketogenic Diet protocols.
According to the Center for Disease Control/National Institute on Occupational Safety & Health the workplace is the number one cause of life stress.
- 80% of workers feel stress on the job.
- Nearly half say they need help in learning how to manage stress.
- 42% say their coworkers need help reducing stress.
- 40% of workers report their job is “very” or “extremely” stressful (Northwestern National Life).
- 26% said they are “very often burned out by stress” (Yale University).
- Stress is responsible for 30% of all disability claims.
- Stress by incorrect exercising.
- Stress causes American businesses an estimated $300 billion a year.
But here is the most sobering statistic of all in my opinion: “110 million” people die every year as a direct result of stress – That is 7 people who die every 2 seconds.
The World Health Organization has called stress the “health epidemic of the 21st century.”
“Terrain Modification” is in my opinion the key to really learning and practicing ways to enhance, optimize and upgrade many areas of you and your families lifestyle towards smart and optimal health.
I have personally produced many Quantum Exercise videos for Earther Academy. Try to watch a few videos a day and I am sure you will learn a lot. Learning and practicing consistent exercise is only one area of many areas of rebuilding the body and mind.
I now personally only use various very “Intense” and “Intelligent” ways as my new daily exercising, stretching and balancing routines.
I use to massively “Stress” my body and mind when I was younger, because of incorrect methods I was taught, and just the normal day to day living and growing up. Remember “Stress” in our lives is everywhere.
Since my injury I personally learned to rebuild and repair all of my old calcified joints, heart weakness, herniated discs spinal column, nerves, muscles- ligaments and tendons etc. I used to do stressful or what I now call “Stupid Exercise” daily Previous to learning these rebuilding protocols myself I had to go through 30 years of trial and error.
I can’t believe all of the “Stress” I put on my whole body and mind daily with heavy daily weight training, and also performing long arduous runs in the mountains or super long mountain bike rides 3-5 times a week on top of it. So, I not only “Stressed” my body and mind, but I also really destroyed and wore it out.
I then got into a severe auto accident in 1997 and stopped all my activities for several years being disabled.
So, this is where I got into learning about rebuilding my body from the ground up. On Earther Academy I share the protocols I have learned through my years of clinical practice and personal practical experiences with my own hurdles of sickness to health.
Always remember the saying “Stress Kills” and it kills in a variety of ways to both the young and the old.
Stress can come from many directions. Not only at work or dysfunction in your personal or social relationships, but from so many different areas “Stress” is accumulated because of our super busy and complicated physical, mental, emotional and ethereal lives.
We have many exercise videos for muscles, heart, and nerves which are usually all done incorrectly, and then we wear ourselves out or hurt ourselves.
I have published over 400 YouTube and Earther Academy health and wellness videos since this video was made 5 years ago.
So, make sure you subscribe to our YouTube channel and click the “Bell” to receive all of our new video notifications.
Also, by becoming a member at of Earther Academy you get access to hundreds of my personal cutting edge protocols for health and wellness. We have videos on over 50 departments we call “Terrain Modification”, and at Earth Shift Products you can get most of the products we use for Terrain Modification as well.
Recommended videos: Beware Of Stress The Silent Killer, Exercising Without Money and Hike in your Socks for Health and Healing. You can also see Chi Breathing Exercise Demonstration on YouTube.
Hope you enjoy this “Smart Strength Training Tips with Chef Jason Wrobel” Video Course
Dr. Robert
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Comments 3
Excellent, keep learning
Do you have any video on legs exercise?
That is a great question, and something I think we can make a video of in the future. Thanks for this idea!
In health,
Dr. Bryce