Beware Of Stress The Silent Killer
Beware Of Stress – THE SILENT KILLER! Do you have to much “STRESS” in your life? Do you have Invisible Stress or Biological Stress?
Most people do have a variety of different Stress’s in many ways. They think that stress is just because they have a time crunch to finish some important or other nominal tasks that do fit into your current time frame.
You have to ask yourself the BIG QUESTION: “Do you have Attitude or Gratitude in your life?”
This question is a very deep and complex answer indeed.
STRESS is STRESS – but then how many kinds do you have?
What are you doing to navigate your / our stress’s?
Watch this video and you can catch some good pointers to be able to negotiate some of the “STRESS’S” we all know about, or we should know about.
The definition to Stress:
- Pressure or tension exerted on a material object
- A state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or very demanding circumstances.
And there are many definitions we need to add to our super “STRESS-FUL” society and world at large.
There are many other definitions we can add for Stress.
Most of the it is invisible. In fact, there is a many combinations of stress caused by all of the WI-FI, Super WI-FI, RF Frequencies, EMF’s, ELF’s, VLF’s, Microwave Transmissions, HAARP, Chemtrails, Cell Phone Towers, Toxic Relationships, Lies, Cheating, Killing, Eating Dead Flesh, Causing harm to yourself or others, Money, Toxicity, Chronically Dehydrated, Mineral Deficiency, Sun Deficiency and hundreds more physical, mental, emotional and ethereal UN-understood Stress’s.
Have you ever thought of decreasing the stress in your life so that others around you will have less?
Your stress may be the cause of theirs – Wow, what a super dominoes effect of stress.
That’s one of the reasons why the city is very dangerous for sensitive / emphatic people.
Everyone is stressing over many constant invisible, non physical assaults that are accumulating in the ethereal / physical / mental / emotional fields to name a few.
Stress is not just stress – Stress is accumulating more stress, and you really need to learn about this in many ways, and also learn / practice how to reduce it and terminate it in your world.
Some stress is good for us, but not a constant assault of stress’s from many different departments of sickness waiting to happen. All stacking up on each other.
Stress Kills! – when you do not release it.
Stress is the “Silent Assimilation” of illness of many peoples sickness’s in their bodies and their minds.
Look how many pharmaceuticals are given out for STRESS!
You can’t sleep, nervous, tension, headaches, stomach pains, IBS, ulcers, skin problems, depressed, your energy is toxic with everyone that comes in contact with you, cancer and many other sickness’s since we all live in a technological world.
There are some real ways to reduce STRESS.
It will undoubtedly take work, effort, self observation and constant discipline for sure to upgrade, enhance and optimize your world and reduce many of the assaults in most of our lives. Sickness is an accumulation effect.
At earthshiftproducts.com you can step up to the next level of nutrition and special tools that you will want to have to start your detoxification and rejuvenation.
We call this upgrade an “Earther Kitchen“.
All of the products are the best we can find on the planet and we also have the best pricing on the internet ( wholesale direct ).
Learning the “Terrain Modification Principles” is a must to live healthier in this world that is so dysfunctional and toxic. Our planet that we live on is truly a miraculous place indeed.
You are what you “Eat, Drink, Say, Hear and Do”, so be very conscious of that.
Hope you enjoy this Beware Of Stress The Silent Killer Video :))
Dr. Robert
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