Stimulating The Fountain of Youth via The Great Lymphatic System
Stimulating The Fountain of Youth via The Great Lymphatic System – Unclogging the Lymphatic Organ Will Significantly Decrease Your Body Fat!
This Earther Academy Exclusive Lymphatic Lecture, Workshop and Course has over 100 custom pictures we prepared for you, in order to better understand one of the most eye opening teachings, we all need, to really understand this very complex organ and fluids.
So, please watch the entire course a few times, and take notes to absorb some of the information more optimally.
In order to stay healthy and free of sickness we all need to learn about the “Great Lymphatic System” or the the body’s largest Garbage Dump/Sewer.
Sluggish/Clogged Lymph System = Increased Body Fat/Sickness.
If you are 10lbs + heavy/body fat then you definitely have a clogged Lymphatic Organ backup and toxicity.
Once the Lymphatic System becomes clogged or toxic, we then begin the “Silent Sickness” that clinically manifests in a myriad of mild to moderate diseases or dysfunction. So, the simple solution is to unclog this organ.
Stimulating, or keeping the biological Fountain of Youth, has been sought after for a millennia from all societies around the world. Youth, beauty, vitality, longevity, disease free, healthy, smart and sustainable living is really what we all want to have.
The Big Question: “How do we keep young, healthy, happy and vital in a world that is very physically, mentally and spiritually dysfunctional?”.

Part 1 (16 min) is a short learning introduction to the course and Part 2 (107 min) is the complete lecture. When viewing stop the video at times to look at the pictures better so you can get an view of your incredible “Great Lymphatic Organ System”.
Wait until you see how this part of the body functions and works in combination with the entire body.
Research has clearly reported that once the Lymphatic fluids get backed up, then we start to build up toxicity and become sickly and be susceptible to a myriad of diseases.
Definition from Wikipedia: “The lymphatic system is part of the circulatory system and a vital part of the immune system, comprising a network of lymphatic vessels that carry a clear fluid called lymph (from Latin, lympha meaning “water”[1]) directionally towards the heart.” – “Latin” meaning, “lympha” meaning “CLEAR WATER”.
Wow! It’s so clear and easy to say that our bodies, including our Great Lymphatic System, blood, cells etc. are mostly all water – up to 92% water!!! … like a walking, alive water bottle made up of about 18 gallons of salty water.
The correct water is the key to all of life’s processes and functions. Without clean water, all breathing organisms from plankton, plants, reptiles, birds, mammals to humans – non of us can survive without water for very long.
How do we unclog the Lymphatic Organ is a very smart question to ask and research to regain our correct functionality!
Recommended Course and Categories: Liquids of Vitality, Recipes, Intermittent and Block Liquid Fasting Protocols, Skin, Pore and Sauna Protocols and Detoxification and Rejuvenation Protocols is a good start.
Remember, this Earther Academy Course is a Private Workshop, and we will present to you over 100 custom slides to learn and get a visuals on this very important subject – so study well.
Hope you enjoy this “Stimulating The Fountain of Youth via The Great Lymphatic System” Video Course :))
Dr. Robert
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