Lentil Soup Transitional Superfood Recipe
This Lentil Soup is a great transitional meal and easy to make. It is a Super Tasty Soup that is loaded full of Super-food Nutrients and more Protein than if you were having a flesh meal of any type.
One of the best ways to help yourself is to really cut down on all of the glucose and processed foods that we all have become accustomed too. This Lentil Soup is a great recipe.
Please watch the whole video because there is much good information in the mini lecture too. Philosophy is the key to really sticking with the programs.
You can try doing a Soup Fast for 1 week or more. This will really change the way your stomach has to process foods because the soup is going to be a super-nutritious but it will have very little or no toxicity in the food.
Please No GMO’s in your soup!
You will find out this to be a big plus if you have any:
- Gas
- Bad Digestion
- Fowl Smelling Breath
- Smelly Body Odor
- Constipated and or Irregular Bowels
- IBS or other Intestinal Disturbances such as Upset Stomach
- Burping with Acid Re-flux.
Dysfunction of the intestines and digestion is the most common complaints we hear consistently about all the time when interviewing people.
All you can do is upgrade, enhance and optimize your diet and your lifestyle in a myriad of ways. Baby steps at time is the key to feeling good and staying healthy practicing the “Terrain Modification” protocols, practices and disciplines.
So make sure you get an “Earther Kitchen” so you can have a variety of Superfoods, Minerals, Spices, Clean Water, Ayurveda Herb, The Right Salts, Oils and Sugars, Stevia etc…
To prepare the Lentils:
- 1 cup of Split Peas / Lentils
- 2 dropper fulls of Fulvic Acid
Making the Soup:
- 1 dropper full Fulvic Acid
- 20 drops Ionic Magnesium Concentrate
- 1 – 2 cap full Living Silica
- 1/2 tsp Chili Powder
- 1 tsp Crushed Red Pepper
- 1/2 tps Curry Powder
- 1 Chipotle Pepper
- 2 tbsp Organic Soy Sauce Alternative
- 1 – 2 tsp Toasted Sesame Seed Oil
- 1 tbsp Sole Salt
- Golden Berries
- Cabbage
- 100 50/50 Blend Chlorella / Spirulina Pills
- 2 Red Onions
- Raw Chlorella
- Raw Spirulina Powder
- Lemon
- Carrots
- Nori Sheets
Finishing off:
- Quinoa
- Nutritional Yeast
- Coconut
- Avocado
- Olives
- 1/2 tsp Chlorella
- 1/2 tsp Spirulina
- Sprinkle with Triple Blend Seaweed
- Sprinkle with Organic Hemp Seeds / Pumpkin Seeds / Pine Nuts
- Sprinkle with Organic Icelandic Kelp Powder
- Various Spices
- Ghee Butter
- Turmeric
- Capers
Learning the “Terrain Modification Principles” is a must to live healthier in this world that is so dysfunctional and toxic. Our planet that we live on is truly a miraculous place indeed.
The key is to clean the body as well as you can by living a ”Super Natural Lifestyle” which simply means to Live with Awareness and live as Smart and Natural as you can. We give you plenty of ideas to upgrade your world before your body get the sickness.
You are what you “Eat, Drink, Say, Hear and Do” – so be conscious of that.
Hope you enjoy this Lentil Soup Transitional Superfood Recipe Video :))
Dr. Robert
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Comments 4
Amazing recipe.
I am committed to change ny diet completely to all that Dr. Cassar recommends. No more flesh
:)) Nice Margarete… in time you will see this is the best thing anyone can do is to clean up the diet and go bloodless and then learn how to de accumulate all of the poisons that we all accumulate.
Enjoy, :)) dr r
Sounds great…I will definitely make this.