Reducing Microwave and EMF Exposure

Reducing Microwave and EMF Exposure

Robert CassarBlog, Free, Radio Frequencies and Radiation 4 Comments

I am going to show you how I reduce, or remove my exposure to both Microwaves and EMF’s. I will show you several common electronic devices in my house which, when left plugged in, create large dysfunctional magnetic fields that are being constantly produced without you even knowing it, causing a hidden assault on the body and mind. I will …

Soaking Your Hands And Feet With EDTA

Soaking Your Hands And Feet With EDTA

Robert CassarHands and Feet, Detoxification and Cleansing, Free, Intermediate, Skin Cleaning, Detoxification and Rejuvenation Leave a Comment

I am going to share with you a very effective detoxification therapy and recipe for the Hands and Feet. We all know what the Hands and Feet do for us everyday. Esoterically behind the scenes the Hands and Feet are very important to keep the blood flowing back through and around the body. Our hands and feet start to accumulate, …

Oxygen Therapies Using Hydrogen Peroxide To Remove Parasitic Feces

Oxygen Therapies Using Hydrogen Peroxide To Remove Parasitic Feces

Robert CassarAdvanced, Free, Intermediate, Parasites 12 Comments

I am going to share with you how I use Oxygen Therapies to reduce parasites and their feces accumulating in our bodies on a daily basis. I have been experimenting and researching using oxygen therapies for over 40 years. I have also been experimenting with a variety of oxygen therapies using Liquid Oxygen – H202 and Gaseous Ozone therapies in …

Catabolic Versus Anabolic Diet

Catabolic Versus Anabolic Diet

Robert CassarBlog, Beginner, Free, Intermediate 2 Comments

I am going to explain some of the different types of diets that are either “Catabolic or Anabolic” in nature, for musculature or physical development. At the micro level all diets are both catabolic and anabolic in nature – but we are talking about the musculature and physical development at the micro and macro levels. This subject goes deep and …

Information For Mothers And Fathers

Information For Mothers And Fathers

Robert CassarBeginner, Free, Philosophy and Parables Leave a Comment

I am going to share with you some of my perspectives in regards to procreating a healthy child from a pair of semi-conscious parents in the year of 2019. In Part 2 (35 min) I will go more in depth into the areas that are too sensitive for social media. If you are a Mother or a Father to be, …

How Franco Columbu Changed My Life

How Franco Columbu Changed My Life

Robert CassarFree, Beginner, Blog, Dr. Cassar's Personal World 1 Comment

I want to share with you how Dr. Franco Columbu radically changed the whole direction, and destiny of my life. how old was franco columbu when he died? As we all know the legend Dr. Franco Columbu died at 78 from a drowning accident. Franco was one of the most treasured heroes of the “Bodybuilding and Chiropractic Community”. Franco had …

Core Strength And Deep Six Pack Abs

Core Strength And Deep Six Pack Abs

Robert CassarIntermediate, Advanced, Exercise, Stretching and Movement, Free 6 Comments

I am going to show you some of the “Secrets” I have learned and practiced over the past 40 years, on how I developed unusually “Deep Six Pack Abs” (or “Rectus Abdominis” muscles) by using an abdominal flexing technique in passive and active exercises. In this video, I am close to 60 years old and have been using Terrain Modification …

Lyme Disease From Tick with Mike Campanile

Lyme Disease From Tick with Mike Campanile

Robert CassarAdvanced, Free, Incurable Diseases, Intermediate, Sauna Detox and Gwashing 2 Comments

In this Interview and Sauna Detox Workshop, we are going to speak with Mike Campanile from Long Island who participated in the 21 day terrain modification detoxification and rejuvenation retreat with us in Hawaii. In Part 1 (33 min) we will talk about his 14 day water fasting journey, and his debilitating sickness from Lyme Disease over the past several …

Hot Yoga With Dr. Mari Sawai

Hot Yoga With Dr. Mari Sawai

Robert CassarBlog, Dr. Cassar's Personal World, Exercise, Stretching and Movement, Free, Intermediate Leave a Comment

Hot Yoga usually refers to yoga exercises performed under hot and humid conditions, typically leading to profuse sweating and way better stretching. I like using the heated room for yoga because, not only do I stretch much easier and deeper, but I can also profusely sweat and detoxify like I am in the sauna at the same time. This is …

Natural Mouthwash and Oral Disinfectant

Natural Mouthwash and Oral Disinfectant

Robert CassarBeginner, Free, Healing The Mouth, Intermediate, Workshops 4 Comments

I am going to show you 2 of my favorite homemade “ALL NATURAL” Mouthwash Solutions/Therapies I have used for many years, personally and with many patients and friends, with excellent results. In Part 1 I share my “Basic Natural Mouthwash Formula” perfect for everyday use. I use this basic formula in my daily routine unless I need gum or tooth …