
Kendra Bordelon

Honestly, enough can not be SAID about how different it feels to live a life in freedom! TM is a Supernova of Revolutionary Protocols That Will change your life! (If you follow them correctly) I Am So grateful to have stumbled across one of Dr.Cassars YouTube Videos in my Intentions for discovering how to heal myself from heavy metal poisoning,..."

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Patti Stirrett

I’m 61 and never did sweat. Did his skin clean formula and drinks for 1 month. Now I am sweating all over.My son cleaned his nose for blackheads and it worked immediately. I love all the training and info Dr. Cassar gives. Watching all his videos and doing everything I can. Amazing teacher and humanitarian...."

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Daniel Spayne

I love Earther Academy because it is a wealth of useful information for achieving optimal health and wellbeing. This information is extremely detailed, well researched and carefully put together. I generally am not left wanting in terms of unanswered questions based on the materials I have used. The website is well set out and includes a wealth of information which..."

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Bobby Corkum

My wife and I truly enjoy watching Dr. Cassar, because he is passionate about helping others. I’m slowly implementing the terrain modifications and disciplines. I feel great improvements and know his works are truly a blessing for all who act on his teachings. Thank you, Dr. Cassar!! I hope everyone realizes how desperately we need to better humanity, as you..."

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Corine Coyne-Chagolla

Dr. Cassar’s videos always help me. Earthshift products are a part of my daily diet. In the past I was on 13 RX meds a day. It is now 4 1/2 years for me with no RX meds! I am at a healthy weight and am healthier than ever before in my life. Praise GOD and Earthshift!..."

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Bianca Childs

Earther Academy is a new millennium nutrition science. It gives you tools to self heal and connect with people eager to learn healthy lifestyle. I love the videos and simplicity of the recipes intelligently put together...."

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Craig Lawrence

This information is a game changer time to get with doctor Cassar programs and disciplines.. Reset your clock..it’s never to late… His products are awesome use them and give your body what it needs...."

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Daniel Perez

I’m extremely grateful for Earther Academy and Dr. Robert Cassar because this site gave me an opportunity to feel like I had a teacher to guide me in life since I don’t have any coaches locally to assist me on spiritual philosophy and simple/economical nutrition. This academy is a prime example, to me, of how there is still sections of..."

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Jeannie Sarsfield

Dr. Cassar’s teachings have and are changing my life. My first gift has been that my gums have stopped bleeding. I have been battling with periodontal disease for over 40 years. I purchased some of the products discussed in the Dr.s video and implemented his teachings on dental care and there has been no bleeding for almost two weeks. I..."

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MaryLynne Hallot

Recently I read an article published on Jul 31, 2015 08:00 am | Michael Greger M.D. It was called: “How Doctors Responded to Being Named a Leading Killer”. It is very rare you get someone who is a medical MD who will stand up for the people and have their best benefits in his heart. This site Earther Academy’ of..."

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Sue Tjernlund

I love the integrity and quality of nutritional information and personal experience that Dr Robert provides–he’s so open and thorough about sharing all the things to do and look out for to take care of ourselves, and I love the recipes for the smoothies, detox, and all. (And he’s such a fine example of how well his own body responds!)..."

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Randy Fruchter

You’re not going to learn this information anywhere else. The sauna techniques are one of a kind. Doing it by yourself it takes a while to get it right but once you figure it out. Wow.. and anyone else who has been in the sauna and watched me started doing the same protocols because these techniques speak for themselves...."

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Hello- I’m so excited to have the chance to tell other people about how I feel about Dr. Cassar. Well, I have been studying for about 5+ years on different healing modalities such as raw food, FIS, energy, cellular development, etc. (I could go on with a list of 20/30 different areas of my study). I found your website about..."

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Serge DeMeyer

I do not remember when the last time I submitted any types of reviews was. But here I will take the time to do so. The information Dr. Cassar has is very simple but also very powerful. It did not only help me created better health for myself but also better focus, higher energy, much more emotionally happy, more intuitive..."

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Kardean Pittard

He has confirmed many aspects of health that I knew were true but which is not supported by main stream medicine. It was very comforting to here him speak the truth. Keep up the great work that changes and saves lives...."

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JD Patterson

I would like to start out by saying Thank You to Dr. Robert Cassar he is a God Send Genius Man!!! My Life has changed for the best in every aspect of life because I have applied the knowledge that he was so kind to share. It is a way of life that words can not express only experienced once..."

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Marina Love

I LOVE Terrain Modification and Liquids of Vitality along with the other fabulous workings of Dr. Cassar! It has helped me to go deeper within the intelligence of my body, mind, and soul, and allowing me to do the same for others. Dr. Cassar is a massive blessing where no words can truly define even close to how impactful this..."

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Nicole Anderson

Dr. Cassar truly cares about others and shares his brilliance to help people maximize and strive for a good and healthy lifestyle. He is a deep thinker, always questioning, he boldly calls out that which is not, those S things are not of God and are not healthy. He uses his exceptional intelligence that is connected to a pure heart..."

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Mike Faden

I really connected with Dr Cassar’s idea of terrain modification and the notion of healing the body from the inside. I started making kombucha and also many of the other liquids of vitality. Once I got to the point where I was drinking 150 oz of liquid per day, we purchased a distiller. I began to treat my skin with..."

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Mat Bigelow

Hi Dr. Cassar, Quick testimonial after implementing terrain modification since February 2018. Since using your sauna protocols I have noticed a chance in my health. I am not yet perfect, but I am now able to: 1. Breath from my nostrils 2. Smell from my nostrils 3. Run as far as I would like. Before implementing Earther Academy protocols, I..."

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Jordan Robertson

You completely changed my life and I am only 24. Back when I could not afford to Join EA I used to spend hours and hours watching your YouTube videos trying to learn as much as possible and it completely turned my life around. No more anxiety, depression, insomnia or self-doubt etc. I am a completely new person and a..."

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Ted Hanlon

I started watching Dr. Cassar and have been using Earth Shift products for the past few months on a regular basis. I lost 34 pounds in 3 1/2 months and feel amazing. I have been feeling physically rejuvenated as well as a experiencing a whole new level of consciousness. I thank Dr. Cassar and his team for the countless hours..."

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Rick Urabe

Dr. Cassar introduced me to making Kombucha tea, vegetable fermentation, and the Liquids of Vitality by way of his YouTube videos! This information was extremely valuable for my health and vitality! I’m extremely thankful for the videos! I’ve been in 3 rotations in the medical field (RN program 2 times and Radiologic Technology), and was accepted to UC Merced by..."

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Geraldine Schaub

I have transformed my eating habits for good! Thanks for all the knowledge that would otherwise have been hidden from view. Your old neighbor from Moorpark...."

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Matt Bompane

I love the hard work and care that goes behind the products that Dr. Cassar offers. He has certainly gone to extraordinary lengths to deliver us only the most mineral and nutrient dense food on the planet and allows us to cut through the endless malaise of false food and health propaganda that exists today. I am extremely grateful for..."

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