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Nicole Anderson

Dr. Cassar truly cares about others and shares his brilliance to help people maximize and strive for a good and healthy lifestyle. He is a deep thinker, always questioning, he boldly calls out that which is not, those S things are not of God and are not healthy. He uses his exceptional intelligence that is connected to a pure heart and does not horde his wealth of knowledge but shares his widom for the benefit of others.

He has and exceptional intellect, Cassar has developed it much to the Glory of God, he continues to challenge himself and the things around us to the benefit of everyone, who works gets to with him. He will probably live to be and old man. He has touched thousands of peoples lives, takes time for people of all different socio economic backgrounds and levels of awareness, he is a gentleman who is the epitome of class by never making one aware of their low estate, thus is the embodiment of the adage “to whom much is given, much is required. It is obvious by the fruit he produces.

And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season: his leaf also shall not whither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper. Plams 1 : 3 the prosperity that stretches out to benefit many. Treat others with respect, not slothful in business. Think on those things that are lovely, pure and of good report.

Many people keep Dr Cassar in their prayers, I do. Thank you for all you do but mostly for being you.

February retreat member