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Ted Hanlon

I started watching Dr. Cassar and have been using Earth Shift products for the past few months on a regular basis. I lost 34 pounds in 3 1/2 months and feel amazing. I have been feeling physically rejuvenated as well as a experiencing a whole new level of consciousness.

I thank Dr. Cassar and his team for the countless hours of research and sharing this wonderful lifestyle with us. Dr. Cassar is a caring, loving person and his Earth Shift products are the best on the market. I owned 2 Health Food stores in the past, so I can definitely make this statement as I have seen many products that were inferior and had minimum, if any benefits.

Again, I thank you for all your love in sharing your knowledge and helping people have a better quality of life. You are a true blessing to all. Your teachings are greatly appreciated, no words are available to express my gratitude to you.

Ted Hanlon