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Mike Faden

I really connected with Dr Cassar’s idea of terrain modification and the notion of healing the body from the inside. I started making kombucha and also many of the other liquids of vitality. Once I got to the point where I was drinking 150 oz of liquid per day, we purchased a distiller. I began to treat my skin with the vodka cleanse/magnesium- silica and cacao butter and I started 16/8 intermittent fasting . We also purchased a personal sauna. I am a vegetarian now for 41 years but I decided to stop eating/drinking : alcohol,dairy, bread, and finally sugar. Once I got to this point the weight just started falling off me…..I lost 50lbs in 4 months and I was not really heavy before. The fasting and distilled water really work to thin out the body. Now you can see right thru me……I’m a big cluster of veiny muscle! Thanks Dr Cassar! Your methods really work! I heartily recommend subscribing to Earther Academy. The protocols and practices found there can really improve YOUR health! Bless you for all the help to get my health in order! Dr Cassar – I look forward to your next video!