Barefoot Hiking and Grounding Techniques

Barefoot Hiking and Grounding Techniques

Robert CassarBlog, Dr. Cassar's Personal World, Exercise, Stretching and Movement, Free, Hands and Feet, Intermediate, Lymphatic System, Massage Techniques, Philosophy and Parables, Suppressed Technologies, Workshops Leave a Comment

Essential Grounding Techniques Barefoot Hiking with Mark Danielles – How we can “Bio-Logically” ground ourselves back to Nature. Aloha all, How we can ”Bio-Logically” ground ourselves back to Nature? How much does it cost ? NADA!!!! in Spanish that means NOTHING! :)) We do this every weekend ( rain or shine ), and when we are done it is a …

Gwashing The Brain Calvarium, Jaw And Neck Muscles

Gwashing The Brain Calvarium, Jaw And Neck Muscles

Robert CassarFree, Intermediate, Sauna Detox and Gwashing Leave a Comment

Aloha All, This is a video on ”Re-shuffling your molecules” or what I call ”Terrain Modification”. We have now over 30 departments for us to ”Learn, Understand and Navigate” these very essential areas that give us either ”Sickness or Dysfunction” or ”Optimizing your Health and Evolution” of your Body’s and Multi-Dimensional Mind. Learning the various techniques of rejuvenating yourself both …

Intermediate Sauna Gwashing Techniques

Intermediate Sauna Gwashing Techniques

Robert CassarHair Loss and Balding, Intermediate, Lymphatic System, Sauna Detox and Gwashing, Skin Cleaning, Detoxification and Rejuvenation, Workshops 3 Comments

Intermediate Sauna Gwashing Techniques – We are going to use a variety of Terrain Modification protocols with three participants at the Earther Academy Hawaiian Retreat to Clean, Detox and Rejuvenate the Skin and Pores. We will be showing you how to do some intermediate and advanced Gwashing techniques on Mike from Nevada, Amber from California and Brett from Whales, UK. They …