Rethinking Reality: The Importance Of Distilled Water and Saunas
Rethinking Reality: The Importance Of Distilled Water and Saunas.
In this video Hodie and I are going to talk about some of the secrets to staying, or getting healthy, wealthy, happy and wise. I am going to give you a brief report of some of my findings for over 40 years of research, experimentation and clinical practice.
Would you like to hear about two of the most important therapies most people can learn and practice themselves?
Washing the body out with a variety of liquids is essential to get the body more in a liquid/flexible state from a hardened/calcified/stiff state of being or existence.
Some of the most important tools/self therapies we can have in our simple everyday living, is to acquire a steam distiller and a FIR sauna. Drinking and making distilled water, skin cleaning, detoxing, rejuvenation and sauna protocols will change your life just by learning these two simple therapies and practices.
Learning and practicing the 50+ categories of “Terrain Modification” protocols, practices and principles will upgrade, enhance and optimize any lifestyle for the better. EartherAcademy.com is where we have all of my personal protocols that helped me in my journeys.
The idea and concepts of drinking just pure water that is only H20 is what pure water is – just 3 molecules!
Simple chemistry: Pure water (or pure H20) = You get 2 small Hydrogens and 1 large Oxygen molecules cleaning and oxygenating the entire body when consumed in moderate quantities. Nature in its purest form is genius beyond belief.
Nature feed all of it’s children pure condensed, or slowly distilled water, by the sun’s solar rays – condensing and then feeding all of the lands below with just pure water – H20 void of any minerals or anything else in the water.
The pure water (or rain water as it is being expelled from the electromagnetically charged clouds) will then pick/soak up the pollution/debris/particles etc. in the air, and this starts the multi layered cycles of cleaning and detoxing the earth. This cycle works the same for all living organisms including us Humans 🙂
The only water that can come close to natures natural cycle is to use a steam distiller, or get a real good RO system that can clean the water to 000 ppm.
We have a great deal I have made with the manufacturer for the Steampure Water Distiller – 2 gallon lead free jugs and 4 activated charcoal filters for a year. I bought my sauna at Costco.com and will keep you informed about other models I find for a better price and quality. Be careful what water distiller or FIR sauna you buy since most of them are total garbage.
I like using the two therapies together because of their effectiveness on cleaning and detoxing the body easily. Drinking distilled pure water and sweating out the old dirty water, to flush my body through my skin, makes logical and reasonable sense when you think about it. Remember, most of the body is made up of more than 80% water – or a giant water bottle. So, make sure you ingest the correct water and use the flushing detox protocols.
The skin is largest organ of the body and weighs about 10 pounds.
Cleaning, detoxing, unclogging and re-lubricating the skin is one of the therapies we do before we get into the sauna, so we can sweat out the poison more efficiently through the skin that is now clean of many layers of dead and toxic skin.
I have found using these two therapies consistently together, or in combination with many other protocols (synergistic combination therapies), like this we always get magical results, without even changing the diet too much in a very short period time.
Recommended Courses and Categories: Skin Cleaning, Detoxification and Rejuvenation, Water, Lymphatic System, Liquids of Vitality Recipes, Water Is Very Sacred and The Curative Power of Distilled Water.
Give the Terrain Modification protocols, practices and protocols a try for 180 days, and make sure you watch all of the videos we have to get some pointers on your healthier, new and smarter life we call the “Earther Lifestyle”.
Hope you enjoy this “Rethinking Reality: The Importance Of Distilled Water and Saunas” Video 🙂
Dr. Robert
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