Water Is Very Sacred
Water Is Very Sacred and it is the giver of all life – Isn’t it so? 🙂
Water is very sacred and everything as we all know or will soon find out when we look at all the destruction on the planet.
The humans are doing the massive and unseen destruction of the biosphere, animals, insects, birds, fish, whales, snails and so on.
That is everything because we are all WATER are we not?? Again, Wake Up and smell the coffee or the roses.
We are 18 gallons of conductive multi dimensional salt water that is truly who we really are :))
I know we are told different stories. But, once we see the truths of whom and what we have become personally and collectively, it is so easy to see where we need to go and what we should all be.
The very simple answer is to Be-come an “EARTH STEWARD” or “STEWARD”, that’s all – very simple but so really profound.
It is very important to drink and bathe in clean water.
The water of the world or the rain of the world is distilled water. I have found out some of the truth, and detoxification is best found with distilled water.
Nature is cleansed with distilled water.
The rain, the water in our veggies – these are all distilled water by evaporation. The steam distilled water makers do the same thing.
If you want to really get healthy and wise then look into the terrain modification protocols at eartheracademy.com, and don’t forget to learn the “liquids of vitality” to see if you can change your life with liquids.
You can see more in our Water Section
Hope you enjoy this “Water Is Very Sacred” Mini Lecture Video :))
Dr. Robert
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Comments 1
Distilled water holds a resonance that is unique to it. It cannot be duplicated or copied. This is a great Truth we must all understand.