Live Probiotic Coconut Ferment and Detox Drink

Live Probiotic Coconut Ferment and Detox Drink

Robert CassarRecipes, Ferments, Intermediate, Intestines and Gut Wall, Rejuvenation and Detox Drinks 4 Comments

Aloha All, in this exclusive EA video we are going to show you how easy and simple it is to make the best and healthiest way to take pro-biotic bacteria. This batch I am making for ranch foreman so he can help regrow his gut wall flora to a healthier colony of essential intestinal housekeepers. We are also going to …

Breaking The Spell of Addictions

Breaking The Spell of Addictions

Robert CassarAddictions, Intermediate, Mental and Emotional Clarity, Mind Controlling Parasites, Parasites, Philosophy and Parables 4 Comments

Breaking The Spell of Addictions – HOW MANY ADDICTIONS DO YOU HAVE? These videos are a deeper layer of knowledge of ideas, disciplines, concepts, techniques, protocols that are essential if you are searching for “Optimal Health” and “Advancing your Awareness”. Have you ever thought about how many addictions you have that are destructive to you, your friends, family or the …

The Antidote to Body Fat and Toxicity Mini Lecture with Dr. Robert Cassar

The Antidote To Body Fat And Toxicity

Robert CassarFree, Addictions, Blog, Dr. Cassar's Personal World, Intermediate, Parasites, Philosophy and Parables, Plant Based Diet 2 Comments

The Antidote To Body Fat And Toxicity – Have you ever wondered what “Body Fat” is? Could it be possible that fat is alive and it feeds on the foods we eat or drink? When you are really hungry the big question to ask yourself is “Are you really hungry or is “it” really hungry?”. Observe these cravings of this elusive, …

Neck, Face and Jaw Massage and Lymph Drainage

Neck, Face and Jaw Massage and Lymph Drainage

Robert CassarIntermediate, Lymphatic System, Massage Techniques, Sauna Detox and Gwashing Leave a Comment

Neck, Face and Jaw Massage and Lymph Drainage Workshop is a super vital video workshop to really practice and learn with consistency. The Lymphatic system is the sewer system inside the body, and is the master filter of the body. The Lymphatic system is much bigger and effective at cleaning the body that the blood. Learn and practice how to …

Lymph Drainage Workshop of the Chest, Face, Neck and Scalp

Lymph Drainage Workshop Of The Chest, Face, Neck and Scalp

Robert CassarIntermediate, Lymphatic System, Sauna Detox and Gwashing Leave a Comment

Lymph Drainage, Detoxification and Rejuvenation Of The Chest, Face, Neck and Scalp. When is the last time you have cleaned, detoxed and rejuvenated your Lymphatic System? Please keep in mind… The skin and pores are part of the premier detoxification system the body has at it’s disposal. Please watch the Lymphatic System Series Teaser and Lymphatic System Series Course first to …

Using The Foam Roller For Effective Lymph and Tissue Detoxification

Using The Foam Roller For Effective Lymph and Tissue Detoxification

Robert CassarBeginner, Detoxification and Cleansing, Exercise, Stretching and Movement, Intermediate, Lymphatic System 2 Comments

Hello, I’m Dr. Robert Cassar, and I’m here to guide you through the transformative journey of foam rolling, a key component in lymph and tissue detoxification. This simple tool, often underestimated, is a cornerstone in my approach to holistic health and wellness. The Power of Foam Rolling In my extensive experience in health and wellness, I’ve found foam rolling to …