Earning Your Rejuvenational Engineering Degree
Earning Your Rejuvenational Engineering Degree – Learning to take care of yourself and your family more efficiently, easily and economical is part of this Revolutionary Personal Degree. Would you like to start your practice to personally graduate with a “Rejuvenation Engineering Degree”?
Remember, this degree is really only for yourself and your family to enter into a lifestyle that is reasonable and logical, compared to unreasonable and illogical lifestyles most of us have, or do not know we have, that is literally through ignorance causing most of us to get sick and tired.
The Rejuvenational Engineering Degree is a “Proven Overhaul Of Your Overall Lifestyle” and can be achieved by virtually anyone who wants to start their health and wellness journey for the rest of their lives.
There are many layers to learn and practice on how to live a less toxic, detoxification and rejuvenational lifestyle.
The Prime Directives of the 50+ departments of the Protocols, Practices and Principles of Terrain Modification are:
- Optimize – Enhance – Upgrade
- Dissolve – Wash – Re-nutrify
- Reset – Renew – Rebuild
These simple but profound mantras are some of the primary directives and themes we share/learn/teach/investigate at Earther Academy
Let’s take a look at the “Rejuvenation Engineer” degree as this relates to our biology.
Wikipedia definitions:
Rejuvenation – Wikipedia
Rejuvenation is a medical discipline focused on the practical reversal of the aging process.
Engineer – Wikipedia
Engineers, as practitioners of engineering, are professionals who invent, design, analyze, build, and test machines, systems, structures and materials to fulfill objectives and requirements while considering the limitations imposed by practicality, regulation, safety, and cost.
- Rejuvenation + Engineering = Becoming Your Own Doctor
- “Practical reversal of the Aging Process” + “Health and Wellness Practitioners of Engineering” = Becoming Your Own Doctor
Here are a few questions/answers you may have:
What kind of a degree is this?, and is the program difficult to pass or graduate?
The Rejuvenational Engineering Degree is a personal degree, and virtually anyone can learn and practice these protocols, practices and principles at their own pace, if they want to put in the time and energy.
How long does it take to graduate and earn your “Personal Health and Wellness Degree?”
There are many levels of the Rejuvenational Engineering Degree, in-fact once you start your program/journey you are then considered a beginning apprentice.
How do I start the curriculum?
Start to watch the hundreds of Video Courses and Categories and Blog Posts in order to learn and practice some of the beginning basic concepts, ideas and disciplines of Terrain Modification.
Recommended Courses and Categories: The Curative Power of Distilled Water, Rebuilding The Gut Wall Flora, Water and The Big Sickness Question.
Hope you enjoy this “Earning Your Rejuvenational Engineering Degree” Video
Dr. Robert
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