• If anyone has free sources of information they consider to be complimentary to Sentient Beings of the Earth, PLEASE SHARE

    Public Group / 32 members
  • Group logo of Probiotic Drink

    Probiotic Drink active 3 months ago

    Do you need to stir the mixture up before you drink it, because the mother colony is on the bottom??

    Public Group / 28 members
  • Group logo of LOVE

    LOVE active 3 months ago

    so much could be said on this amazing power, yet amazingly none needs be said at all.
    What can share and learn from each other by listening with an open heart, NO STRINGS ATTACHED
    I invite you to join and […]

    Public Group / 32 members
  • Group logo of Health

    Health active 3 months ago

    Health is a very broad topic!

    It covers everything from physical, emotional, spiritual, and just about anything you can find to label about yourself.
    Is this truly what heals you?

    What can a self […]

    Public Group / 20 members
  • Group logo of Scalp & Hair Routines

    Scalp & Hair Routines active 3 months ago

    To discuss the amazing protocols pertaining to Stimulating Hair Growth Removing Scalp Toxicity, Fungus & Hair Mites

    Public Group / 90 members
  • Group logo of Money as a Tool

    Money as a Tool active 3 months ago

    How does one optimize their life or thoughts to obtain personal optimal living conditions?

    Public Group / 37 members
  • Group logo of Water Fasting

    Water Fasting active 3 months ago

    All about water fasting

    Public Group / 100 members
  • Group logo of Ketogenic Diet and Lifestyle

    Ketogenic Diet and Lifestyle active 3 months ago

    Tips and Advice to discuss, support and share for those interested in
    Currently transitioning,
    Or currently maintaining a ketogenic diet/lifestyle.

    Ketosis- when your body burns fat-ketones for […]

    Public Group / 56 members
  • Group logo of Skin Health

    Skin Health active 3 months ago

    This group is all about the recipes for skin health 🙂

    Public Group / 60 members
  • Group logo of Original Healthy Recipes

    Original Healthy Recipes active 3 months ago

    A place to list delicious original recipes you have created that are healthy. We get all of these new ingredients to use once we start a healthier diet and lifestyle, we can recreate our favorite foods with […]

    Public Group / 75 members
  • Group logo of Traveling With SuperFoods

    Traveling With SuperFoods active 3 months ago

    This group is to discuss travel tips and ideas for bringing your Earthshift kitchen with you while traveling.

    Public Group / 31 members
  • Group logo of PAIN

    PAIN active 3 months ago

    Not in terms of positive or negitive, but simply to examine.


    And how can learn from experiencing it.



    If not, then WHAT.

    Public Group / 15 members
  • Group logo of Brewing Blue-Green Algae tea

    Brewing Blue-Green Algae tea active 3 months ago

    So spirulina and chlorella are classified as a ”Blue-green algae”. Is it then spirulina and chlorella that is in the Blue-green algae product? Or does it stand alone?
    What kind of cyanobacterium (blue green […]

    Public Group / 25 members
  • Group logo of SLEEP

    SLEEP active 3 months ago

    What makes a Good-Night Sleep?
    What encourages Deep and Revenating Rest,
    Uninterrupted hours of darkness,
    And idle Dreaming?

    This group has been created to share tips and
    Experiences with eachother on […]

    Public Group / 49 members
  • Group logo of MMS Protocols

    MMS Protocols active 3 months ago

    What protocols have you been following? What are your experiences? How long have you been using MMS? Would you recommend MMS or Hydrogen Peroxide to someone? Where do you get your MMS? Do you know the difference […]

    Public Group / 99 members
  • Group logo of Beginners - Advice needed

    Beginners – Advice needed active 3 months ago

    Hello. I would like to post a request to everyone within the community to share their first steps in Terrain Modification. How did you get started, what protocols did you follow to transition to health? what were […]

    Public Group / 123 members
  • A group about how to deal with electro sensitvity and how to protect oneself when in the grid (when in areas with radiation, like a public space). About high frequency radiation (cell phones, wifi etcerea), low […]

    Public Group / 61 members
  • Group logo of Sauna tactics

    Sauna tactics active 3 months ago

    The infrared sauna is powerful, and does not have to be used by itself. What supplements do you take before sauna? How do you clean your skin before? What drinks do you have during it? What do you do after the sauna?

    Public Group / 105 members
  • Group logo of Borax: Friend or Foe?

    Borax: Friend or Foe? active 3 months ago

    This is a discussion about the common household detergent ”Borax” by the 20 Mule Team. Is it safe and healthy to ingest, as well as put on skin? You all decide.

    Public Group / 118 members
  • Group logo of Everything to do with Dreams.

    Everything to do with Dreams. active 3 months ago

    Detoxifying the brain results in clearer, faster, more vivid thoughts. We all dream and with the enhancement in nourishment through superfoods dreams can be a very fascinating experience.

    This group is to […]

    Public Group / 42 members

Copyright 2024 Earther Academy
Site by selane.io

The entire contents of this website are based upon the opinions of Dr. Robert Cassar and Earther Academy Research Institute, LLC. and/or Affiliates, unless otherwise noted. Individual articles are based upon the opinions of the respective author, who retains copyright as marked. The information on this website is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Dr. Robert Cassar and Earther Academy Research Institute, LLC. Dr. Robert Cassar and Earther Academy Research Institute, LLC. and/or Affiliates encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional.