Detoxification Tools In My Earther Kitchen
Detoxification Tools In My Earther Kitchen – I am going to show you some of my Personal Essential Health and Wellness Tools in my kitchen and a short Mini Lecture.
I did this video a few years ago, so I have added a few more of my getting started 21 personal recommendations in the description below.
I have all of these fantastic products and I am going to show you my Earth Shift Kitchen to literally make 100’s of great organic detox and rejuvenation recipes.
An Organic Live Food Garden is also essential to have in your Health and Wellness Arsenal.
I also love working in my organic garden daily to add to my detoxification and rejuvenation lifestyle.
We all live in a world of chemicals, synthetics, pesticides, insecticides, heavy metals, parasites etc. that are ALL around us mostly ALL the time no matter where you live, work, play and sleep.
Upgrading, enhancing and optimizing is our main directive and theme.
Here are 21 of my Personal Recommendations to get your Earther Kitchen started.
We all do need some essential tools in our Terrain Modification Program towards our health and wellness journeys.
- Lugol’s Iodine
- Ionic Magnesium Concentrate
- Living Silica
- Activated Coconut Charcoal Powder
- KelaminHM
- Organic Stevia
- Concentrated Fulvic Acid
- MSM Powder
- Organic Hemp Seeds
- Organic Coconut Oil
- Organic Cacao Nibs
- Organic Yerba Mate Tea
- Himalayan Salt
- Organic Chia Seeds
- Organic Golden Berries
- Organic Hibiscus Tea
- Organic Blue Green Algae
- Organic Coconut Aminos
- Organic Ultimate Green Protein
- Shower Filter
- Pure Water Steam Distiller
The products we offer at Earth Shift Products are the best packaging, quality, pricing on the internet with international and free shipping promotions always.
Please be a critical thinker and do you own homework, and then you can show, tell and share your findings on the worldwide community at on YouTube and join our Earther Academy Student School.
We have 100’s of my personal protocols, practices and principles of private videos here and much more.
Keep on enjoying your Journey and hope you like this “Detoxification Tools In My Earther Kitchen” Video :))
Dr. Robert
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Comments 3
Warning Warning Warning — un happy parasites looking for new home!
In one of your videos you made something chocolate I don’t remember what it was. You said you have some every day. I would like to make it but can’t find it. Would you either give me the recipe or point me in the right direction to find it. Thanks, Joy
Hi Joy. You might be referring to this Course: >a href=”https://eartheracademy.com/course/sugarless-ketogenic-real-raw-live-chocolate/” target=”new”>Sugarless Ketogenic Real Raw Live Chocolate