COLA - Phosphoric Acid Poisoning Parable

COLA – Phosphoric Acid Poisoning Parable

Robert CassarAddictions, Beginner, Blog, Free Leave a Comment

COLA – “Phosphoric Acid Poisoning” – to understand and further research these subjects of acidic corrosive products that are in our food and beverage supply.

Most people have no idea that it is in your food and drinks which is we I talk about in this “COLA – Phosphoric Acid Poisoning” Video. Make sure you investigate this further.

Do you know about Phosphoric Acid, Acetic Acid, Toxic Vinegar’s, Pool Acid, Battery Acid or Sulfuric Acid?

So. now it’s time to make a move to sanity because most people cannot see the insanity of drinking these acids that wreak havoc on the bones and other glands. The average person they say drinks about 40 gallons a year of soda!

I cannot even imagine that people are that naive to drink these real sugary / MSG / or toxic fake sugars / chemical soft drinks that are in my opinion very toxic, and should never be consumed if you are smart. But then again the average person eats 200 pounds of sugar a year too.

Not only as you will find out that “phosphoric” and other very “corrosive acids” are unsuspecting, and hidden corrosive acids that is in most of all sodas, cola drinks and many other products too, have these very assault promoting acidic components in our food / beverage supply’s.

It is really embarrassing to see people drink these corrosive acids. Because ( if you read the research and see the studies ), these acids will cause massive problems in the body in the form of making kidney stones, gall stones, to arteriole / athero sclerosis, brittle and weak bones, arthritis and other bone pathology, and many other problems such as eating the phosphorus and calcium in our bones and teeth.

Learning the “Terrain Modification Principles” is a must to live healthier in this world that is so dysfunctional and toxic. Our planet that we live on is truly a miraculous place indeed.

Everything in Life is all a “Work in Progress”. 1 out of 2 people will die of Cancer now in the North America because of all the toxicity, terrible foods / water and a myriad of parasites that thrive in the toxicity of the body.

The key is to clean the body as well as you can by living a “Super Natural Lifestyle” which simply means to live with Awareness and live as Smart and Natural as you can.

At you will find the next level of nutrition and special tools that you will want to have to start your detox and rejuvenation. We call this upgrade an “Earth Shift Kitchen“.

All of our products are the best we can find on the planet and we also have the best pricing on the internet also (wholesale direct).

Please share with your friends so they can understand and navigate this booby trap too :))

You are what you “Eat, Drink, Say, Hear and Do” so be conscious of that.

Hope you en-joy this “COLA – Phosphoric Acid Poisoning” Video 🙂

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