New Year’s Resolution Ideas 2022
I am going to give you a few ideas about possible New Year’s Resolutions.
The way my family taught us about New Year’s Resolutions, are that once you make that resolution for that specific year, you keep the resolutions going for the rest of your life.
If we would have that concept in our minds when we contemplated the “NYR”, we would make better decisions and have the entire year to see if we can keep it up. Our resolutions should be to help us positively, personally and or collectively.
What Is A New Year’s Resolution?
“A New Year’s resolution is a tradition, most common in the Western World[1] but also found in the Eastern World, in which a person resolves to continue good practices, change an undesired trait or behavior, accomplish a personal goal, or otherwise improve their life at the start of a new year.” – src: Wikipedia
We can all have our own idea of what a “NYR” is, but in the traditional sense/days, when I was a child, the concept was to improve our life continually every year adding a good practice to our personal worlds, and keeping the resolution intact throughout our lives.
I gave you an example in the video when I owned a gym back in 1980 called the “Academy Fitness Center”. I was only about 19 years old at the time, and was a ⅓ rd owner/partner of the fitness center. The Fitness Center was open 24 hours a day/7 days a week.
Our motto was that there was no excuse for not making time to go to the gym, while being open all of the time. When January 1st comes around every year, the gym would get immensely crowded because of the New Year’s Resolution they had made to themselves, or someone else made the wish for them to get healthy by exercising.
Usually on February 1-15 the drop-off rate was incredible. After about 30 days of an influx of “NYR” people – most of those people would drop out, and in just a few short weeks the gym would be back to normal with the amount of people who usually come in for March through December.
I found out 40 years ago that most people cannot keep a simple promise to themselves, not even for a few weeks even if the resolution was to guild themselves to ultimate health, or proven longevity techniques.
Most people I meet nowadays are procrastinators or just plain lazy. They want to do good for themselves but for some reason they don’t have the mental and physical disciplines to follow through.
Most of the reasons people do not adhere to their own promises to themselves are simply parasites and toxicity controlling their actions and minds, conning them not to do the right thing, they know they should be doing.
I have done lots of videos on the concepts of parasites controlling our minds and bodies.
Try This Idea:
Choose your “Resolution” and see how long you can keep it going for the entire year, and then keep it going for as long as you can if the resolution brings positive change to you, family, friends and your surroundings.
Try to choose something. or a list of things, you know would better your life and you can accomplish for the entire year.
Once we constantly do something for an entire year – those programs become deeply seated into our lifestyle and hopefully for the better.
My New Year’s Resolution for 2020 was to repair and nourish myself from the plant based diet I was on for 15 years.
Over the years, I got sick and malnourished from experimenting with a 15 year long diet of solely plants, and a few eggs.
Since 2020 (adhering to my “NYR” of 2020), I have regained 23 pounds of pure muscle and have regained most of my strength, my hormones, satiety, grounded-ness, happiness and not looking or feeling nourished. Watch these 2 videos to get more information on my new diet and re-nourishing techniques.
My Personal Opinion On Veganism Or Solely A Plant Based Diet
The vegan or plant based diets should be looked at solely for detoxification and should not be used for long periods of time, because you will most likely get malnourished, start to have intestinal inflammation, joint stiffness, decreased strength and testosterone production, and possible emotional and mental issues.
It has been 2 years since I made the commitment to “Rebuild Myself” for my 2020 New Years Resolution video.
Many people are malnourished from the many types of diets that are very destructive to health and mental/emotional stability. So, re-nourishing, detoxing, rebuilding yourself may be a grandiose New Year’s Resolution, and it can be done for sure with discipline, guidance and some inspiration.
Whatever slice of love you give to yourself, you will start to radiate the positive energy all around you not only externally but internally as well. This will help you attract others like yourself if that is needed.
The choices are mostly up to us on how we feel and function internally, and how we look externally, to keep and get the good or the negative times rolling.
Just a thought
Happy New Year and everyday to you, your family and friends, and see you on the next video :))
Hope you enjoy this “New Year’s Resolution Ideas 2022” video.
Dr. Robert
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