Happy New Year 2017 – Purge, Purify and Rebuild
Happy New Year 2017 – Purge, Purify and Rebuild – Hugs for Everyone :))
The year of 2017 will be for many the year to finally start the next layer of the Evolutionary Process of our lives. It is the time “Purge, Purify and Re-build” Ourselves / Families / Relationships with just about everything.
These are exciting times that we all are living in that is for sure, but also the most fragile and sick times too.
Upgrading, Enhancing and Optimizing is what I have been sharing for over 40 years.
We call this process “Terrain Modification”.
Becoming more Human is a lot of self and collective responsibility.
We are all going to have to help each other out if we want to see the change for the better happen faster.
All of Nature really becomes so precious, miraculous and awesome “Mother Earth” connections when we purge, purify and rebuild the body and mind.
Once we purge, purify and rebuild ourselves then we cannot harm or destroy Nature any longer.
Connecting Back to Nature is a very “Sacred and Holy” connection.
The “Theme Directive” for the year of 2017:
- Purge the Body
- Purify the Mind
- Re-Build the Body and Mind
We get connected back to Nature when we go through these protocols to connect us back to the earth and ourselves.
This is the year to Wake Up back to the connection that most of us have lost.
I am in California visiting family for three weeks, and I did several videos on how to sidestep some of the toxicities that you may not know about that are causing much dysfunction in your mind and body.
These Terrain Modification protocols are beneficial beyond words.
“Health to Sickness” is a journey
“Sickness to Health” is a journey
“Health to Optimize” is a journey
“Optimize to Higher States of Consciousness”
Rewiring the mind / body software programs is part of the rebuilding.
Enjoy the Journey’s! :))
Dr. Robert
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