The Power To Cure Yourself
Aloha all,
The premise of this video is to ‘KNOW” not think you know but to ”KNOW YOU KNOW” that you/we have the ”Power” to sure ourselves of many illnesses or dysfunctions that we all have. We all have the ” SICKNESS” to some degree.
The best way to see this truth is to give yourself a body examination in the comfort of your own home.
Take off your clothes and really take a look see of your body or what I call our ” 3rd dimensional vehicle” has a form of the sickness. Body-fat is an epidemic sickness and taking any pharma drugs daily is a sickness, being depressed is a sickness, having a head ache is sickness, cancer, all forms of diabetes, autism, intestinal discomfort, wrinkly skin, intestinal gas, etc
We have all accumulated a variety of physical poisons not counting all of the scarcity programs we have in our energy profiles.
When we dont get re-set on a weekly basis we accumulate emotional/ mental sickness ie exercising in nature, getting a deep massage, have integrity with ourselves is the way to navigate the sickness.
Being complacent is usually also meaning that we are confused. Confused means that we will not engage to negotiate complexity. Once complexity is navigated then simplicity starts to show itself so we can start to have sacred space we all deserve and is essential to have to be able to experience new things.
Toxicity = Confusion = Complacency
”Evolution” is a serious game and we have the power to ”Evolve” if we have the Knowledge through experience.
A new more Hu/man/woman ”Real-ity” will deeply flower when we clean up our mind and mind. These upgrades are called ”epiphanies”
Please give this ” Super Natural” Lifestyle a try for 180 days and do as much as you can to follow the ”Terrain Modification” protocols, principles and practices.
Integrity with yourself is a huge part of Prime Directive. Body-fat is a sickness and it can be cured.
Once we clean up our food supply to ”REAL FOOD” and super charge our mind and body with ”CONDUCTIVE MINERALS” then we start to really become illuminated or some will say start to awaken to not want to be part of the insanity any-longer.
To really learn the variety of techniques that you can do is to practice these techniques and then practice and learn from our private school www.EartherAcademy.com where we have over 250 private videos on many beginning-intermediate and advanced techniques, protocols, disciplines ideas, concepts etc to take your experience to the next level of detoxification and rejuvenation.
Learn the ”Terrain Modification Principles” is a must to live healthier in this world that is so dysfunctional and toxic.
Everything in Life is all a ”Work in Progress”.
You are what you ”eat, drink, say, hear and do” so be conscious of that.
En-joy the Journey ! :)) Dr r
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Comments 1
Thank you Dr cassar!!!!