Parasites Are The Alien Invasion On Our Health and Well-being
Aloha All,
This video is on the “Alien Invasion” of Parasites that most of all have in our bodies and minds in the USA, Canada and Mexico. This is a very ‘”interesting real life parable”. So we truly are the “Alien Nation” when we take a look deeper into collective ourselves.
We also have a short interview with Anita from Australia talking about her stay at the Hawaiian Terrain Modification Retreat for Detoxification/Rejuvenation.
Some of these “Alien Parasitic Species” that we are all carrying are commonly called “Yeast, Mold, Fungus, Candida” and many other Parasitic species that constantly feed in the body and call you to feed constantly too.
Since most of these “Alien Invader” parasites live and control our nervous systems then they have the power to get what they want. Most of us carry huge dense colonies of Parasites in our bodes in 80% of North America.
We call many of these parasitic diseases: Obesity, Cancer, Depression, Irritability of the GI tract, Leaky Gut Syndrome, Physical/Mental Addictions of all kinds etc etc etc
If you live in the city or even the suburbs you definitely need to be on a “super smart lifestyle”. I just returned from 5 weeks in California and I feel like I have poisoned massively from all the cars , pollution, Chem-trails, chlorine/fluoride in the water. So please be aware of your surroundings.
Learn the “Terrain Modification Principles” is a must to live healthier in this world that is so dysfunctional and toxic.
Our planet that we live on is truly a miraculous place indeed. We are Earth Stewards of this planet so nurturing anything in our lives gives us the feelings of joy, bliss, happiness and fulfillment.
Everything in Life is all a “Work in Progress”.
1 out of 2 people will die of Cancer now in the North America because of all the toxicity and parasites that thrive in the toxicity of the body.
The key is to clean the body as well as you can by living a “Super Natural Lifestyle” which simply means to live with Awareness and live as smart and Natural as you can. We give you plenty of ideas to upgrade your world before your body get the sickness.
Anita is from Australia is visiting us at the Hawaiian Terrain Modification Retreat to practice detoxification and rejuvenation protocols. Please watch the interview with Anita so she can tell you her story and her stupendous progress she attained.
Once the body starts to harmonize at a higher level of vibrational and energetic order then you will experience a new beginning in the form of consciousness or awareness from where you are today.
You are what you “eat, drink, say, hear and do” so be conscious of that.
Dr. Robert
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