Scalp & Hair Routines active 1 week, 3 days ago
To discuss the amazing protocols pertaining to Stimulating Hair Growth Removing Scalp Toxicity, Fungus & Hair Mites
Universal Laws active 1 month, 1 week ago
There are perfect, Persistant and powerful natural laws that govern the universe.
They function in complete harmony wether one is aware of them or not.The purpose of this group is to educate eachother so we […]
Borax: Friend or Foe? active 1 month, 4 weeks ago
This is a discussion about the common household detergent ”Borax” by the 20 Mule Team. Is it safe and healthy to ingest, as well as put on skin? You all decide.
Dr. Robert Cassar active 1 month, 4 weeks ago
This group is Dr. Robert Cassar’s personal group where he answers questions that people have related to health and wellness.
New born/Infant food active 2 months, 1 week ago
What would be the best substitute or tips you could give on feeding when the mother is too sore from breast feeding? What terrain modifications can we make to help our new borns?
Gut Microbiome active 2 months, 1 week ago
Everything related to gut health
I think i may have parasites in my brain active 2 months, 1 week ago
I have had constant brain pains and headaches like every day my brain feels clogged up and my heart hurts sometimes possibly partly due to this because i read when the brain isnt getting blood and fluids properly […]
MMS Protocols active 3 months, 3 weeks ago
What protocols have you been following? What are your experiences? How long have you been using MMS? Would you recommend MMS or Hydrogen Peroxide to someone? Where do you get your MMS? Do you know the difference […]
Long Term Terrain Modification active 8 months, 3 weeks ago
This group is dedicated to discussing successes and challenges of long term terrain modification (i.e. over one year of being plant based)
BREATH active 8 months, 3 weeks ago
The simple yet life sustaining process of oxygen being inhaled and carbon dioxide exhaled by the human body is fascinating to me.
Can we thrive harmoniously within the universe while completely concious of […]
Nervous system repair active 8 months, 3 weeks ago
Aloha everyone,
I am currently researching ways to rebuild and repair my nervous system. Is that even possible to fully repair it? Does anyone know what that will take. I’m starting with marine phytoplankton. […]
Skin Health active 8 months, 3 weeks ago
This group is all about the recipes for skin health 🙂
Original Healthy Recipes active 8 months, 3 weeks ago
A place to list delicious original recipes you have created that are healthy. We get all of these new ingredients to use once we start a healthier diet and lifestyle, we can recreate our favorite foods with […]
Brewing Blue-Green Algae tea active 8 months, 3 weeks ago
So spirulina and chlorella are classified as a ”Blue-green algae”. Is it then spirulina and chlorella that is in the Blue-green algae product? Or does it stand alone?
What kind of cyanobacterium (blue green algae) […]SLEEP active 8 months, 3 weeks ago
What makes a Good-Night Sleep?
What encourages Deep and Revenating Rest,
Uninterrupted hours of darkness,
And idle Dreaming?This group has been created to share tips and
Experiences with eachother on […]Electromagnetic hypersensitivity / EMF Intolerance / ElectroSensitivity: active 8 months, 3 weeks ago
A group about how to deal with electro sensitvity and how to protect oneself when in the grid (when in areas with radiation, like a public space). About high frequency radiation (cell phones, wifi etcerea), low […]
Sauna tactics active 8 months, 3 weeks ago
The infrared sauna is powerful, and does not have to be used by itself. What supplements do you take before sauna? How do you clean your skin before? What drinks do you have during it? What do you do after the sauna?
Healing Powers of being Grounded to the Earth active 8 months, 3 weeks ago
This is a group discussing how grounding can help benefit people in multiple ways, whether you’re around electronics all the time, trying to handle EMF waves, or if you’re just trying to find alternative ways to […]
Electro Healing & Wellness active 8 months, 3 weeks ago
An open discussion on bioelectromagnetic devices and therapies for healing and wellness. Brain Tuners, Blood Electrifiers, Multiwave Oscillators, Frequency Generators, Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) […]
Thyroid active 8 months, 3 weeks ago
Thyroid in menopausal women
I just became a member. I would like to start the protocols, but do not know what to do first. My goal is to prepare my body to in the new future not taking the shyntroed. Are there […]