• Group logo of Helping Others

    Helping Others active 1 month ago

    A group to talk about how you have helped others improve their diet, lifestyle, philosophy and health with information you have learned along your journey.

    Public Group / 23 members
  • Group logo of Original Creations

    Original Creations active 1 month ago

    Share your own original videos, podcasts and content on important topics like health, philosophy, self-sustainability, ascension, conspiracy, permaculture, growing your own food/superfoods, recipes and much more.

    Public Group / 24 members
  • I have had constant brain pains and headaches like every day my brain feels clogged up and my heart hurts sometimes possibly partly due to this because i read when the brain isnt getting blood and fluids properly […]

    Public Group / 19 members
  • Ascaris infection that went into the biliary tree. I’ve done many heavy rounds of albendazole and ivermectin combined with heavy herbs, back to back kambo, fasting, heavy herbs both capsule and tincture. Anyone h […]

    Public Group / 4 members
  • Hi everyone,

    I think the title is self explanatory.

    Public Group / 9 members
  • Group logo of Beeturia   Beets & Goji Berries

    Beeturia Beets & Goji Berries active 3 months ago

    ”Beeturia is passing of red or pink urine after eating beetroots or foods colored with beetroot extract or beetroot pigments. The color is caused by the excretion of betalain. ”

    I get this after eating […]

    Public Group / 11 members
  • Group logo of Monoatomics/Ormus/Ormes

    Monoatomics/Ormus/Ormes active 3 months ago

    What then is it? Techniques for making and using Monoatomics, as well as your experiences with them.

    Public Group / 29 members
  • Group logo of Breastfeeding Moms

    Breastfeeding Moms active 3 months ago

    A group for breastfeeding mothers, to discuss strategies and protocols that can be implemented while still nursing!

    Public Group / 6 members
  • Group logo of New born/Infant food

    New born/Infant food active 3 months ago

    What would be the best substitute or tips you could give on feeding when the mother is too sore from breast feeding? What terrain modifications can we make to help our new borns?

    Public Group / 8 members
  • Group logo of Creatine

    Creatine active 3 months ago

    Am curious to discuss if creatine is necessary for consumption after a workout?

    Public Group / 5 members
  • Discussing strategies and sharing ideas on how to best incorporate superfoods into our four legged family members diets.

    Public Group / 55 members
  • Group logo of Gut Microbiome

    Gut Microbiome active 3 months ago

    Everything related to gut health

    Public Group / 66 members
  • A discussion group to share your experiences with different supplements; what works and what doesn’t. -and most importantly, why (from your personal experience).

    Public Group / 96 members
  • Group logo of Long Term Terrain Modification

    Long Term Terrain Modification active 3 months ago

    This group is dedicated to discussing successes and challenges of long term terrain modification (i.e. over one year of being plant based)

    Public Group / 113 members
  • Group logo of Thyroid health

    Thyroid health active 3 months ago

    I have been trying to get my thyroid under control, (I have NEVER taken any medicine for it nor do I plan too) I know I need to drink distilled water, which I am trying to save up and make it my goal to buy one by […]

    Public Group / 4 members
  • Group logo of Sun Gazing Protocols

    Sun Gazing Protocols active 3 months ago

    sharing experience and observation about sun gazing

    Public Group / 40 members
  • Group logo of BREATH

    BREATH active 3 months ago

    The simple yet life sustaining process of oxygen being inhaled and carbon dioxide exhaled by the human body is fascinating to me.

    Can we thrive harmoniously within the universe while completely concious of […]

    Public Group / 32 members
  • Hi there, in search for rather obscure knowledge I decided to make a group for it. So feel free to share and post anything related to esoteric/occult knowledge!

    Public Group / 8 members
  • Group logo of Universal Laws

    Universal Laws active 3 months ago

    There are perfect, Persistant and powerful natural laws that govern the universe.
    They function in complete harmony wether one is aware of them or not.

    The purpose of this group is to educate eachother so we […]

    Public Group / 35 members
  • Group logo of Nervous system repair

    Nervous system repair active 3 months ago

    Aloha everyone,

    I am currently researching ways to rebuild and repair my nervous system. Is that even possible to fully repair it? Does anyone know what that will take. I’m starting with marine phytoplankton. […]

    Public Group / 33 members

Copyright 2024 Earther Academy
Site by selane.io

The entire contents of this website are based upon the opinions of Dr. Robert Cassar and Earther Academy Research Institute, LLC. and/or Affiliates, unless otherwise noted. Individual articles are based upon the opinions of the respective author, who retains copyright as marked. The information on this website is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Dr. Robert Cassar and Earther Academy Research Institute, LLC. Dr. Robert Cassar and Earther Academy Research Institute, LLC. and/or Affiliates encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional.