• Has anyone allready heard about the spiritual teachings by BEAM?

  • Clay posted an update in the group Group logo of Water FastingWater Fasting 9 years ago

    I am ready to begin my one week water fasting/detox.
    Do i use only distilled water, or distilled water with added minerals?

  • Travis IW posted an update in the group Group logo of Original Healthy RecipesOriginal Healthy Recipes 9 years ago

    Super Water Kefir:
    I have been making water kefir at home for a while, here is something I have done recently and I feel it is quite healthy. I took a cup of organic ashwaganda root chunks and placed it in my water kefir jar. After it brewed along with some organic sugar a really nice bitter/sour/slightly sweet drink resulted.

    I’m a big fan of ashwaganda, I’ve noticed tangible relaxation…Read More

  • Mark Passio – Natural Law seminar is a must watch for all! The real law of attraction is explained, and the consequences of ignorance of this law is detailed.

    Youtube search “Mark Passio – Natural Law”

    I know Dr. Robert Cassar mentioned this seminar in one of his videos, I just wanted to say I too have seen this and it is highly recommended for all conscious beings.

  • CosmicFairy posted an update in the group Group logo of Water FastingWater Fasting 10 years ago

    I have done many juice fastings, longest to be 33 days. This is my first attempt doing longer water fast, goal is 8+ days. I just joined the academy. Where can I find specific instruction and protocol of water fasting? The details such as if taking Mag is necessary? exercising? what can we do, or not do while fasting? What is next step right after fasting? I know there are tons videos…Read More

  • I’ve really been digging into many things for a year+. There is SO much. It’s all an exciting discovery. I look at it as a child. Very little resistance to know simply what it is. But to truly know something it must be experienced and that’s the challenging side. So I start with one thing and investigate and experiment. It’s getting fun. Frequencies, magnets, pendulum…Read More

  • I have used it in the past, I was eating an apple in the dark, bad move. I knew something was wrong with the apple after the first bite, I turned on the light, i had eaten a big chunk of black mold. If I remember correct I tried to throw it up, but I still got really sick the next morning, my kidneys hurt & I was feverish & my stomach was all messed up. Then I remembered i had just bought…Read More

  • cuddleycake replied to the topic EMFs in the forum Group logo of Dr. Robert CassarDr. Robert Cassar 10 years ago

    You know, I think this is a really interesting question that unfortunately, I do not know the answer to. But it brings up another concept..how do we convince mainstream Americans that anything alternative is true? How do we force scientific studies on what matters, rather than idiotic studies paid for by companies or people with a monetary interest in the outcome?

    For example, thousands…Read More

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Site by selane.io

The entire contents of this website are based upon the opinions of Dr. Robert Cassar and Earther Academy Research Institute, LLC. and/or Affiliates, unless otherwise noted. Individual articles are based upon the opinions of the respective author, who retains copyright as marked. The information on this website is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Dr. Robert Cassar and Earther Academy Research Institute, LLC. Dr. Robert Cassar and Earther Academy Research Institute, LLC. and/or Affiliates encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional.