Gut Microbiome active 1 month ago
Everything related to gut health
Long Term Terrain Modification active 11 months, 2 weeks ago
This group is dedicated to discussing successes and challenges of long term terrain modification (i.e. over one year of being plant based)
Ketogenic Diet and Lifestyle active 11 months, 2 weeks ago
Tips and Advice to discuss, support and share for those interested in
Currently transitioning,
Or currently maintaining a ketogenic diet/lifestyle.Note.
Ketosis- when your body burns fat-ketones for […]Original Healthy Recipes active 11 months, 2 weeks ago
A place to list delicious original recipes you have created that are healthy. We get all of these new ingredients to use once we start a healthier diet and lifestyle, we can recreate our favorite foods with […]
Beginners – Advice needed active 11 months, 2 weeks ago
Hello. I would like to post a request to everyone within the community to share their first steps in Terrain Modification. How did you get started, what protocols did you follow to transition to health? what were […]