ware36 started the topic Sleep well at night, live well during day! in the forum
SLEEP 9 years ago
After nearing 30 years of sleep problems, beginning as a child that couldn’t fall asleep until 2 a.m. and having a father that woke at 2 a.m., I quickly learned that the sleep/wake balance of life is closely related. Dreams included; have you ever woke after a bad dream and have a less than optimal morning?
The quick answer to sleeping well is to make sacrifices so you can sleep well. Give up the late night television and social activity. Block out light. Have a plan to ensure you get up on time. This is the “minimalist’s instruction” –
For a deeper understanding with results that are long-lasting, we have to wake up and be honest with ourselves during the day. Only you will know what this means; if you allow yourself to see.
For me – I had to learn to identify different elements of my life so I could manage them. Am I happy? How’s my diet? What’s going on with my health? I had to learn how to identify what was in my head when it hit the pillow; I had to control the events leading up to bedtime WHEN I COULD do so. For me, this was on the weekend. I knew my days were short and I wouldn’t let my responsibilities slip by going to bed early or sleeping in.
Patterns and routines — I’m not a believer in compromise. The word “compromised” implies a connotation of having being breached or intruded upon and that is just the opposite of strength. There are many biological factors that are different from person to person. Some people are lucky enough to have the ability to perfect their lifestyle and enjoy perfect health. Others may eat a perfect diet and may genetically have high cholesterol. One may fall on the floor and have back problems for life; others may be a cage fighter with multiple injuries and walk strong without pain for a lifetime.
A healthy starting point is important, and balance requires time if your body is out of time. If your car is acting strange — diagnose it, but first check the oil and plugs. Plug in a computer and see what error codes the car is throwing. Consider there are sometimes MISTAKES AND NOT PROBLEMS.
Sometimes we are not sleeping well by accident; not on purpose – and sometimes there isn’t a problem. Sometimes it IS within our control and if we put more “good” in — enough to push “bad” out; a little progress will be made and we’ll start to be aware of our lifestyle and how we can influence it.
So, for healthy sleep – look at your sleeping environments an habits. Lights out. No coffee after lunch, no sugar after dinner. Cause and effect – open your mind and see how things interact. The starting point begins with an intention and action. Talk about your sleep problems and what you’re trying to do for a healthy night’s sleep; it will quickly be found how many people have valuable input that can help you wake with rest.