Melissa Ojala joined the group
PAIN a year ago
eric roth joined the group
PAIN a year ago
Lisa Mudgett joined the group
PAIN 2 years ago
Ula Rivers joined the group
PAIN 6 years ago
Jovanche Trajkov joined the group
PAIN 6 years ago
Jeannie Bella joined the group
PAIN 6 years ago
Brenda Sjoden joined the group
PAIN 6 years ago
Boone joined the group
PAIN 6 years ago
Laureen Jandroep joined the group
PAIN 6 years ago
Jennifer Johnson joined the group
PAIN 7 years ago
Mary Best joined the group
PAIN 8 years ago
Athena Creamer joined the group
PAIN 8 years ago
Trevor Wilson joined the group
PAIN 8 years ago
Laurence G Sarver posted an update in the group
PAIN 10 years ago
Massage therapist’s secret: You can learn the techniques, and do it yourself. Discover pain areas of back, for example, a tennis ball and yoga matt; by laying down a yoga matt, place a tennis ball upon it, then lay your back down, and roll around discovering pain areas and trigger points. Further, use a basketball for yet a different pressure of discovery or for use in massage itself.…Read More
Laurence G Sarver joined the group
PAIN 10 years ago