Ketogenic Diet and Lifestyle
Tips and Advice to discuss, support and share for those interested in
Currently transitioning,
Or currently maintaining a ketogenic diet/lifestyle.
Ketosis- when your body burns fat-ketones for fuel.
Most modern people’s bodies and minds nowadays since the introduction of grains about 100 yrs ago
Are programmed or wired to convert carbohydrates-Sugar into Glucose to be stored in the body and converted into ATP (electrical energy) when needed/desired.
This is an adaptation that may or may not be beneficial depending on your personal goals.
Here are the pros and the cons:
Ketosis-keto adapted
-If you want to build, cultivate and maintain a muscular, lean physique With minimal effort, time consumption, cardio requirements,
-Must limit Sugar/Carbohydrate consumption to less than 100g per day.
Which usually is reached in the accumulation of low-sugar items you consume anyway.
100g and your body won’t respond or change anything. (Meaning you’re still have too much sugar) NO OVERTLY SWEET, SUGARY, or STARCHY FOODS
No foods found in nature usually have 0 carb/sugar cause plants are sugar-burners. (They synthesize fructose, dextrose etc. through photosynthesis directly via the Sun’s Light into their own signature Sugar and then convert it into ATP (electrical energy) to store and use for fuel as needed)
Being keto adapted means your body is wired to convert your body fat into ketones which can then be converted into ATP (electrical energy) when there is a food shortage. (If you are glucose-wired then your body will convert/catabolize your muscle into glycogen/glucose and use muscle for fuel if not enough food (sugar) is present. Leaving your body fat On Your Body and EATING YOUR PRECIOUS GAINS instead!)
Critical to understand If you are athlete or are interested in doing any exercise at all.
Here is the Body’s Chosen Fuel source comparison of both
Carbohydrate and Fat adapted responses.
A Sugar- Carbohydrate- Glucose adapted- Body/Mind
1. Uses Carbohydrates eaten and converted to Glucose as fuel
2. Uses Muscle Converted into Glucose as fuel
A Oil-Fat-Keto adapted -Body/Mind
1. Uses Fat eaten and converted to Ketones as fuel
2. Uses Bodyfat Converted into Ketones as fuel.
Glucose Burner- Carbohydrate dependency-Sugar Addiction
Pro: You Can do a lot of Cardio or High-Energy exercise with the excess Sugar/Carbs/Glucose your body doesn’t Use for maintenance of itself.
Or Excess Sugar Can be stored as Glycogen in the Muscles for later use.
(It Can ONLY be stored in the muscle IF the bloodstream is free of Lipid-fat molecules. Otherwise the Sugar-molecules will be trapped in your bloodstream by the Lipid barrier and can eventually cause/lead to diabetes and your bloodstream has the tendency to feed
uninvited guests that take up residence in your sugar/fat rich Bloodstream.
These uninvited guests are usually homeless pathogenic parasites.
IF You want them to leave you must Start Implementing TERRAIN MODIFICATION PROTOCOLS!
so they cannot depend on/in you anymore. They will eat you Out of your (body temple) House and Home. They will do it mercilessly and move onto another ignorant Lifeforms. Like attracts Like.
Could this go back to Genesis? Are we Parasites of the Earth? Forever Tempted/addicted/dependent to That which we do not need. Told we Cannot Have?
But We Wanted It! What if we don’t want it anywmore, and we finally start being Concious Caregivers. Could we make it right again?
Heal the Earth and be in harmony again, before the earth has to wipe us away completely.
We failed once.
We got a second chance.
Could this be our last chance?
Our only chance, Now!?
They can then emit toxic waste into your blood through defecation, try to control your emotions, and influence your brain -cell peptides to make you feed/sustain their PARASITIC Nature. They never want to leave because they are Lower Vibrational Lifeforms seeking the LIGHT. (Which you are) Choosing to USE YOU AS A FOOD/SUGAR/ENERGY maybe cause they think it will make them feel better. Perhaps this is their skewed perception of Love
Anyways they are basically Selfish PIRATES taking everything they can get. Pillaging and Plundering, your bloodstream And Ship. (YOUR BODY)
Sorry, but I personally would prefer NOT to be Captained by the DAMNED. (“I seek the promised land” LOL )
ANYWAYS… That’s the deal with Parasites and Sugar.
If your going to eat it,
STAY AWAY FROM FAT. (At least for the time being)
and Vice Versa (if you are going to eat Fat, Stay away from Sugar.)
-You have a constant flood of Dopamine in your brain making you feel a slight high. This can create an addictive cycle.
-If you don’t eat enough Carb-Calories that are burned up rapidly, your body will catabolize and eat your muscle mass.
-You can get stuck in a calorie in -calorie out trap that has nothing to do with becoming lean, healthy, building and maintaining muscle, or releasing fat etc.
Your Body/Mind/Spirit are DEPENDANT on Sugar, and without it, You have no Glucose, No energy, No Muscle (cause your body will eat it if you don’t feed it)
So Could Ketogenisis be linked to the 10 commandments? Why not. Everything could be…
I want to help take care of the world by being a Loving individual concious of the world within.
-Do not steal – Give
-Do not envy – appreciate
-Do not labor in vain – trust, beleive
-Do not kill – spread joy
-Do not rape – respect boundaries
-Do not lie – always be honest
-Do not disrespect – honor the light in all things
-Do not be arrogant -love the world as an extension of yourself
-Do not doubt -have faith
-Do not harm – be loving
Do what you want,
Say what you feel
Those that mind don’t matter
And those that matter don’t mind.
So just sharing ideas and information.
This is my perception and experience.
If you have anything to say please comment Below.
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Ketogenic Diet and Lifestyle a year ago
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Ketogenic Diet and Lifestyle a year ago
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Ketogenic Diet and Lifestyle 2 years ago
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Ketogenic Diet and Lifestyle 2 years ago
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Ketogenic Diet and Lifestyle 4 years ago
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Ketogenic Diet and Lifestyle 5 years ago
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Ketogenic Diet and Lifestyle 5 years ago
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Ketogenic Diet and Lifestyle 5 years ago
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Ketogenic Diet and Lifestyle 6 years ago
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Ketogenic Diet and Lifestyle 6 years ago
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Ketogenic Diet and Lifestyle 6 years ago
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Ketogenic Diet and Lifestyle 6 years ago
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Ketogenic Diet and Lifestyle 6 years ago
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Ketogenic Diet and Lifestyle 6 years ago
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Ketogenic Diet and Lifestyle 6 years ago
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Ketogenic Diet and Lifestyle 6 years ago
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Ketogenic Diet and Lifestyle 6 years ago
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Ketogenic Diet and Lifestyle 6 years ago
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Ketogenic Diet and Lifestyle 6 years ago
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Ketogenic Diet and Lifestyle 6 years ago
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