DaveyMicrocosm posted an update in the group Beginners – Advice needed 8 years ago
26 year old who spend’s a lot of time at his mom’s house because I’m living on social security and take an antipsychotic, I sleep at a rental house with lots of trees, plants, chicken’s and fish but i’m not aloud to go in that area because a previous tenant threw a huge party, but atleast i get to breath it in when i’m in my room. I usued to be so spiritually aware but i lost control and had to be hospitalised after listening to viking metal music and starting a huge fire in my back yard (which couldve set the house on fire. I’m usually at peace now but i gained 60 pounds and am dependent on my mom still. I’m attending college still working on my AA degree and am meeting new people there. I’ve been vegan on and off have considered vegetarisnism because that’s in between but unlike robert cassar I do enjoy eating wheat corn and soy. Got the ultimate green protein powder, estrella toothpaste, and tounge scraper as well as a bass toothbrush for christmas. I also got running shoes and a gym membership so I can exercise, workout and sweat in the sauna. That’s my life right now.
Hi Davey, I am into my 3rd week now. Congratulations on your AA and it sounds like you have a beautiful environment to enjoy! My only advice is to watch as many of Dr. Cassar’s videos as possible. I’ve seen over 50 and I became a member so I can see part 2 and the “sensitive” procedures. It’s my escape and a big part of my life as well. I have always wanted to go to Hawaii (since Hawaii 5-0 and Magnum, ha) and this is my way to go there. I wanted to try that toothpaste, too. If you get any sunlight in your room, you can take sunbaths and also do some sungazing through your eyelids. It really feels good. Confidentially, I want to lose about as much weight as you and I am bipolar, type 2. I really like how you write!
Oh, I’m sorry, I just read that you are going out to college and the gymn so you have the sun! I wish I had a sauna 🙂