• Taylor Russell joined the group Group logo of Ketogenic Diet and LifestyleKetogenic Diet and Lifestyle 6 years, 4 months ago

    • I wanted to ask if anyone has had the same experience as me and what they do about it.

      When I switched to using coconut oil daily, drinking yerba mate (i love it) , and using magnesium oil at night, I could feel my body switching to a keto/thermogenic lifestyle.

      It was great, I had the most muscle definition of my life, I could think clearer, I had energy and motivation to learn new things…..EXCEPT I was constantly having issues with being too hot and that created anxiety for me. I also noticed my hair was getting thinner and finer and read that glucose actually has an enormous positive effect on healthy hair…

      Has anyone else had issues with being hot on a low sugar diet using yerba mate/coconut oil/mag oil? How do you deal with it?