Earther Academy
Shananananana Wafllller posted an update in the group Dr. Robert Cassar 9 years, 6 months ago
Dr Cassar you are amazing…….thank you soooooooooooooo much for sharing you wisdom
When I follow your recipe they taste delicious! ha ha
Woking on making fermented pro-biotic fruit next, fermeted vegetables are so good, kombucha, dips…….all your recipes are fantastic.
It was beautiful here today so I was able to catch some sun, skin clense & gua sha
I made a batch of fruit probiotic, used half and still have a live culture in the fridge that is now almost a year old and still good. I began making these recipies about the same months you did. Currently, I made a Kombucha Brew and the Turmeric-Lemon Potion. Excellent health aids.