• Athena Creamer posted an update 7 years, 4 months ago

    ALOHA! Fasted 19 hrs and then broke it with a about 3/4 c. of mixed rice, black beans and green beans. (Protein/Veggie). Need to run to store for some FRESH SALAD ingredients. Tonight I will probably make a large pot of “Taco Soup” (mostly water, with chick peas) and I’ll share the recipe. This will be for tomorrow or for when hungry and liquid fasting. Some of the most helpful protocols I have been doing are DAILY NIACIN, DAILY B12 (HEAVY METALS MERCURY, ALUMINUM, NICKEL (MY COOKWARE!)STAINLESS STEEL, “SILVERSTONE”, and all the SKIN PROTOCOLS. I do think that it is helpful and necessary for DETOXING. I will know when I am detoxed from some heavy metals when I can see half moons in the fingernails again. Now, the light crescents are only visible on my thumbnails. I studied IRIDOLOGY and will reread and share some of the tips to “read” your health by studying the IRISES.