Athena Creamer posted an update in the group Sauna tactics 7 years, 8 months ago
I don’t have a Sauna. I will have to look into local hotels that offer spa memberships. Maybe see how much they cost to buy or for my husband to build. This will take time. Being a slightly impatient do it myselfer, however, I initially thought I can steam the bathroom and use a heater, BUT the wallpaper will peel off! Not good. I have another idea: getting overdressed for the weather (like in a jogging suit) and sitting outside on a chair in the sun. (I live in Florida). Or maybe sitting outside on a blanket wrapped in a big dark colored wool blanket Indian style. Or just sitting inside MY CAR with the window slightly open! It even has a thermometer. Since the idea is dry heat, this may work. I have noticed that when my skin is covered in oil, I sweat more, even in cooler clothes or in a swimsuit. I can’t believe I’m actually trying to think of ways to feel HOT when 12 days ago I had to be in front of a fan. It’s amazing how perception can shift with a new goal.
I know what my husband will say. “You want me to build an OUTHOUSE, IN the house, without a window in it?” He’s from a small farm town. 🙂