Melissa Ojala joined the group
Beeturia Beets & Goji Berries a year ago
Jeannie Bella joined the group
Beeturia Beets & Goji Berries 6 years ago
Brenda Sjoden joined the group
Beeturia Beets & Goji Berries 6 years ago
Laureen Jandroep joined the group
Beeturia Beets & Goji Berries 6 years ago
Jennifer Johnson joined the group
Beeturia Beets & Goji Berries 7 years ago
Trevor Wilson joined the group
Beeturia Beets & Goji Berries 8 years ago
Susanne Crawford posted an update in the group
Beeturia Beets & Goji Berries 9 years ago
I get this too when I eat a large amount of beets. I have not noticed with goji berries but I have not consumed them with any sort of consistency either.
Susanne Crawford joined the group
Beeturia Beets & Goji Berries 9 years ago
Stefan_Loeschl joined the group
Beeturia Beets & Goji Berries 9 years ago
randy joined the group
Beeturia Beets & Goji Berries 10 years ago
olga joined the group
Beeturia Beets & Goji Berries 10 years ago
Donna DiPietrantonio created the group
Beeturia Beets & Goji Berries 10 years ago