electricbeing posted an update in the group Dr. Robert Cassar 9 years, 10 months ago
I find it amazing how bodybuilders are so fanatical about weighing everything and making sure they get the right protein carbs & fat. They become obsessive about their ‘meat’ intake. I am so fascinated because it doesn’t even register with me that meat is food. I find it funny because I eat rice and vegetables plus some fruit and superfoods and yet I never crave meat, I don’t weigh my…Read More
cuddleycake started the topic Money = time? in the forum Money as a Tool 9 years, 10 months ago
Hi all, I wanted to make this post because I want to hear how others have invited more abundance in their lives or maybe hear their struggles if it helps to talk to others about it. Personally, I see money as necessary if you live in a city, because it is how you can create the lifestyle that can support what you want to become. For example, I want to buy nearly everything from this site…Read More