Kevin posted an update in the group
Supplements for Health and Healing 11 years ago
To say I take “a lot” of supplements would be an understatement. After discovering Dr. Cassar a few years ago, I began a crusade that continues to this day. Over the course of my journey, I have spent hundreds of hours researching and have tried numerous supplements; kept some and discarded others. It has been quite an education.
To start off our new group, I would like to share one…Read More
Kevin created the group
Supplements for Health and Healing 11 years ago
Kevin posted an update in the group
Electro Healing & Wellness 11 years ago
While widely used for pain management in the Equine and Sports industry, PEMF has other applications in the wellness field as demonstrated in this video (, whereby PEMF increases blood flow (anti-aging). Disregard the product in the video, there are numerous ones. The point is what PEMF does.
There’s one more application that I would like to share that is s…Read MoreKevin joined the group
Healing Powers of being Grounded to the Earth 11 years ago
Kevin joined the group
Dr. Robert Cassar 11 years ago
Kevin posted a new activity comment 11 years ago
Yes, that’s the protocol for the 21 days as I understand it and I’ve watched all the videos. I tried it and its very, very difficult. Don’t get discouraged when your parasites rebel. Take your time..
Kevin posted a new activity comment 11 years ago
I walked away from the Rx industry several years ago after waking up and realizing I was being poisoned. I now completely manage my health through diet and supplementation and get an annual full blood work up to keep track, so when I say I’m doing well, I mean it.
For starters, I stopped eating GMO and chemicals; followed by removing all chemicals from my house; sundries, cleaners, e…Read MoreKevin posted an update in the group
Electro Healing & Wellness 11 years ago
Hi – in response to Stevie, who asked, “What types of successes has everyone had with these devices? Any relief from skin issues, cancers, general healthier feelings?”
I have numerous bioelectromagnetic devices and am continually trying new ways to utilize them for wellness and healing. Of all of the devices, both passive and active that I have experimented with, what has worked most…Read More