• Keith started the topic Whats your experience using MMS/Sodium Chlorite in the forum Group logo of MMS ProtocolsMMS Protocols 10 years ago

    I have used it in the past, I was eating an apple in the dark, bad move. I knew something was wrong with the apple after the first bite, I turned on the light, i had eaten a big chunk of black mold. If I remember correct I tried to throw it up, but I still got really sick the next morning, my kidneys hurt & I was feverish & my stomach was all messed up. Then I remembered i had just bought some MMS not that long ago so i used it, i think I did 7 drops activated with citric aid & within 20 min my symptoms stopped progressing right in their tracks. I had basically killed the mold in 30 min & only had to recover from the damage that had been done, that took a few hrs, about 6 & it was like it never happened, it isn’t the only time I had food poisoning & it totally save my ass. I am telling you when you get food poisoning you use it right away it’s gone in 20 min.