Susanne Crawford
Susanne Crawford commented on the post, 'Dissolve It ALL' Skin Cleaning for Rejuvenation & Terrain Modification 9 years ago
looking for the vodka skin cleaning recipe. I saw it somewhere but I can’t find where I saw it.
susiSusanne Crawford joined the group
Long Term Terrain Modification 9 years ago
Susanne Crawford posted an update in the group
Beeturia Beets & Goji Berries 9 years ago
I get this too when I eat a large amount of beets. I have not noticed with goji berries but I have not consumed them with any sort of consistency either.
Susanne Crawford joined the group
Beeturia Beets & Goji Berries 9 years ago
Susanne Crawford joined the group
Gut Microbiome 9 years ago
Susanne Crawford posted an update 9 years ago
what do I do? I mean if I have the root canals pulled then what do I do for teeth? also implants have a metal post and thats not good. If you pull them then your jaw changes due to ..bone loss doesn’t it?
Susanne Crawford posted an update 9 years ago
I totally feel victimized by the dental profession. Interesting how myself and my sisters all have many fillings and crowns leading to root canals. I think my parents had good dental insurance. Even my hygienist said the only teeth that are really a problem are the ones that have had dental work on them.
Now I wonder if some of it was even needed. I was too young to know back then. grrrrr!Susanne Crawford posted a new activity comment 9 years ago
I just joined the group after watching several videos the latest w/Dr Lori holistic dentistry gosh ..I have several root canals and feel like I hit the wall I have changed many things in my diet and have been on what I thought a good path but all null and void until the dental stuff removed. Boy what now not to mention the $$$$
Susanne Crawford joined the group
Dr. Robert Cassar 9 years ago