Dr. Robert Cassar active 2 months ago
This group is Dr. Robert Cassar’s personal group where he answers questions that people have related to health and wellness.
Nervous system repair active 8 months, 3 weeks ago
Aloha everyone,
I am currently researching ways to rebuild and repair my nervous system. Is that even possible to fully repair it? Does anyone know what that will take. I’m starting with marine phytoplankton. […]
Electromagnetic hypersensitivity / EMF Intolerance / ElectroSensitivity: active 8 months, 3 weeks ago
A group about how to deal with electro sensitvity and how to protect oneself when in the grid (when in areas with radiation, like a public space). About high frequency radiation (cell phones, wifi etcerea), low […]
Healing Powers of being Grounded to the Earth active 8 months, 3 weeks ago
This is a group discussing how grounding can help benefit people in multiple ways, whether you’re around electronics all the time, trying to handle EMF waves, or if you’re just trying to find alternative ways to […]