Beeturia Beets & Goji Berries
“Beeturia is passing of red or pink urine after eating beetroots or foods colored with beetroot extract or beetroot pigments. The color is caused by the excretion of betalain. ”
I get this after eating beets, drinking beets, or drinking goji berry powder. Anyone who has/had this want share their experience.
Also I have noticed when I drink large amounts of Goji berries my vision improves.
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Beeturia Beets & Goji Berries a year ago
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Beeturia Beets & Goji Berries 6 years ago
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Beeturia Beets & Goji Berries 6 years ago
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Beeturia Beets & Goji Berries 6 years ago
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Beeturia Beets & Goji Berries 7 years ago
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Beeturia Beets & Goji Berries 8 years ago
Susanne Crawford posted an update in the group
Beeturia Beets & Goji Berries 9 years ago
I get this too when I eat a large amount of beets. I have not noticed with goji berries but I have not consumed them with any sort of consistency either.
Susanne Crawford joined the group
Beeturia Beets & Goji Berries 9 years ago
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Beeturia Beets & Goji Berries 9 years ago
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Beeturia Beets & Goji Berries 10 years ago
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Beeturia Beets & Goji Berries 10 years ago
Donna DiPietrantonio created the group
Beeturia Beets & Goji Berries 10 years ago