• Athena Creamer posted an update in the group Group logo of Dr. Robert CassarDr. Robert Cassar 7 years, 8 months ago

    To Dr. Cassar, ALOHA OHANA (family) 🙂 BROKE MY FAST after 15 hrs, which is 3 hrs earlier than normal. The Wyler’s (fake) beef bouillon (cube) in hot water with coconut oil was very good but I was still hungry so I had a cup of tomato soup with a little soy milk and half a sleeve of crackers!!!!! I should have served myself only two crackers but I just kept eating them until the soup was all gone. BAD. But, it quelled my nausea which is GOOD. This may be “it” for the day except I do want an orange. I am NOT going to eat within 2 hrs before bedtime because lately it burns my esophagus when I lie down. It’s back to water for the day. This a.m., I drank half cup of black coffee but it didn’t really taste as good as usual, probably because I was out of magnet water. Made some more magnet water ice cubes. I get soooo sleepy after I eat anything. I guess it really is true that you spend 80% of your energy in digestion. I heard your eyes spend 20% of your energy so, lol, that means we just see food and eat it? I watched an excellent video of Dr. Cassar demo’ing the proper use of an, ahem, enema kit. DOCTORS are really not squeamish about the human body, are they. Seriously, the information he shared was invaluable and better than anything printed in microscopic print on see-through folded paper in 7 languages. MAHALO, Dr. Cassar.