Athena Creamer posted an update in the group Dr. Robert Cassar 7 years, 8 months ago
Dear Dr. Cassar, Aloha, I have been very depressed lately. I mean bottom of the barrel, underwater, can’t get out of my own way. My biorhythms are all down in every category at the same time, too. I have recently lost a friend, too. I don’t know if the daily Niacin and B12 (which detoxes metals?) also detoxes antidepressants out of the body. Can it? I feel very unfocused, too, not like when I started the program. It could be because I’ve been eating a lot of candy (a craving for sugar means a craving for protein) and maybe the yeast, mold, candida parasites are steering the ship again. I’ve eaten no meat going on 3 weeks now, and I love that, but how can I get more protein??? MAHALO. Good to be back among my earther Friends. Talk to me please !